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Applying for Visitor Record less than 30 days notice


Jun 19, 2019
Hello all,

I have been in Canada for nearly 6 months, and my tourist visa is about to expire. I am living here with my wife who has a 4 year work visa, and I am awaiting an open work permit. I didn't think it would take this long, and have realised I may have to leave the country to extend my tourist visa.

The Canada immigration guide says that I can apply for a Visitor Record, but should do so 90 days before my tourist visa expires (I'm too late for that?).

The Canada immigration guide also has advice for people on a tourist visa stating that they can apply for a visitor record after their tourist visa has expired, as long as it's no longer than 90 days after expiration.

This information seems a bit conflicting, and I'm not sure what to do. Can I apply for the visitor record before my tourist visa expires, given that the processing time could be approximately 100 days (but less than 6 months if I was given a new tourist visa)?

Another thread here suggests that hopping across the border for an extension is frowned upon. I may have a legitimate excuse - accompanying my wife to a medical conference in Chicago for a few days before my visa expires. Would that constitute bad practice? Or can I just apply for a visitor record?

Many thanks in advance!