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Application to voluntarily renounce permanent residence status IMM5782


Full Member
Oct 27, 2010
please i need help to understand this application,

1994 i immigrate to Canada Quebec with my family after 4 years all of us took the citizenship the Canadian passport except my mother because she have to go back to our country because her mother was very sick
and she stayed with her until she died and since that day 1998 to now she didnt come back to canada

my question is,, is she still permanent resident after all this years or no??

this year i wanted her to visit me for 1 month in Canada, and i send the visa application and i payed the fees and everything they asked me i send it

after 1 month they told me i have to fill the application called,, Application to voluntarily renounce permanent residence status” – IMM5782

and when i open it i found this stuff at the end of the page can anyone please explain how to deal with this story and what these points mean thank you

I confirm that I would like to voluntarily renounce my permanent resident status.

I understand that, if my application to renounce permanent resident status is approved:

I will no longer be entitled to enter or remain in Canada as a permanent resident;

I will only be able to enter or remain in Canada if I meet all regular requirements for a temporary resident (visitor, student or worker);

If I do not meet the requirements of the
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
as a temporary resident, I could be barred from entering
Canada or removed from Canada;

Any applications for Canadian citizenship or to sponsor my family members that I may have previously submitted will be refused and I will
not receive a refund of the processing fees;

I will no longer be entitled to the social services available to permanent residents. If necessary, I have verified with the government
departments that provide social services and benefits that I cannot receive them if I am no longer a permanent resident of Canada.

I understand that it is not necessary to renounce my permanent resident status in Canada to become a Canadian citizen.

If this form is for a child under the age of 18, I certify that I am one of the child's parents or legal guardians and that all of the child's parents or legal
guardians have signed the form.

I understand the above statements; I have asked for and obtained an explanation on every point that was not clear to me.