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Anyone with a possible solution to my question......


Dec 23, 2012

My name is Donald and im new here,

I'm an BA graduate - Communication Arts but with a very low grade(THIRD CLASS) and now i want to further my study in Canada with an intention to work and settle over there. I'm searching for 2 year Marketing/Advertising or Networking/Telecommunication POST-GRADUATE DIPLOMA courses in Canadian Universities/Colleges as it would lead to not less than 2 year work permit.

I have few queries regarding the eligibility criteria for the course to apply for the work permit granted.

- I want to ascertain if IELST, is the only exams conducted for new applicants?

- How is 2 year full time studies interpreted in Canada? Is it 16 months (8 months per year)? or 24 months (total study time)?

- How much will it cost me to enroll for the programme and which institution

- How much balance do I have to show in my Bank A/c? Can i show the balance in my parents A/c? For how many months or years do i have to maintain the balance?

I will be grateful if someone can help me out with these queries..



Full Member
Oct 27, 2012
Job Offer........
IELTS Request
08-Nov-2012 Overall Band 7.0
Hello Donald ..

These are the answers for your questions

Regarding you getting a third class in your undergraduate I think will not be a problem unless you have 55% and above percentage .

Secondly About IELTS . I won't say that is the only test they consider however I would say so ielts that is the best and is accepted all over the globe and all the colleges in Canada too .. And it's pretty easy and cheap but make sure you read the requirements for each university and keep a target score in mind which will be universal and not just for one university .. For example there are universities that accept an over band score of 6.0 and no band less than 5.5 .. How ever there are colleges and universities that won't even sniff at that score and ask you to get a minimum band 7.0 and no band less that 6 or 6.5 .. So check out the requirements of the college or university . Another think of you have good ielts score your visa profile is more stronger in terms of your English language capabilities so get a high score as much as you can.

Thirdly if you are from India the rules for visa has changed .

1 showing a bank balance won't help.
2 you need to get a GiC from scotia bank for 10050 Canadian dollars that would show that you can survive in Canada and would be a proof for your living expenses . You can also get a loan for the same amount but I would stick with GIC.
3 you need to pay one year tuition fee at the beginning of the course before you apply for a visa .. And remember not one semester but two together which is roughly 15000 CAD$$ give or take any university or college. And that is only the fees it does not include any living expenses or your course materials.

Regarding any program's I have no clue however you can check out with a consultant talk it over and see what you would like to do . Perhaps a diploma in journalism as you have done your undergraduate studies in communication.

Best of luck hunting colleges .. Prepare well an hope you succeed

****NOTE*** I am a student and not a consultant I am saying this by my experience so far in the application process .. :) :) :) ;D