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AGAIN!IMM5669E &IMM5562E!!


Oct 10, 2017
We just got an email from CIC stating that we missed three months detailed information about what we were doing or where we were. And along with the email, they sent us the IMM5669E and IMM5562E.

"Please provide us with residency, occupation/studies,travel,ect."

Do I need to fill out the whole forms again or should I just put the specified three months on the forms and left other information empty? If we do need to fill out the whole forms, it will be a real headache since we didn't have any copy of the previous form...It's so difficult to remember all the details and dates...

If somebody has the similar experience, it will be really really helpful to share it with me.

Thanks a million!!!


Oct 10, 2017
IF the instructions don't explicitly say to only include the gap information, you have to submit the complete form for the past 10 years. Only follow instructions in the email. What does the email say?
"Please provide us with residency, occupation/studies,travel,ect. for the period mentioned" This is the original sentence.
Sorry that I forget to type the most important words in my post..

In this case, do you think I should still fill out the whole form?

Thanks again!