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  1. B

    Job with indian s/w companies once you have PR

    Are there any Indian software companies that can get you a job from india once you have PR? Since it would involve them not filing visa and saving cost. it can be a win win for both.. just wondering if anybody has tried it.
  2. B

    Ghost email timelines

    Looks like ghost emails have direct relation with some activity on the profile. Can people mark ghost email here please so we can find any pattern. Please write your air date and time of ghost email
  3. B

    is MCA from ignou full time or part time

    One of the questions in ita is if the degree is full time or part time.definition of full time degree is that it should have 15 hours of classes per week. Any idea if MCA or any other degree from ignou is full time or part time. Thanks Amy
  4. B

    Do I have to show all bank accounts?

    Hi, I have few bank accounts, no loans. I'm planning to show bank statement for salary account and one more that has requisite funds. Do I need to disclose the others as well? Thanks
  5. B

    Proof of funds vs what to bring while landing

    Hello everyone, In case I show proof of funds number which is higher than what I am supposed to. Would I need to convert the whole amount or just the requisite amount Thanks
  6. B

    Ontario nomination with score of 453

    Hi, I am a newbie so pls bear with me. I just got an email from Ontario to apply for nomination. My question is if its worth waiting another draw or apply for nomination. Also I have no link with Ontario. How do I put intent to live? Thanks much Amy