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December 2018 AOR - join here

Jasmine Siddiqui

Star Member
May 11, 2019
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
Can you please tell me what Adr was requested from you ??
It was a declaration from my Non accompanying to give authorisation to take our daughter along to canada

Jasmine Siddiqui

Star Member
May 11, 2019
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
Hey how many ghost updates you received?? And did you moved to IP2??
I also received ghost update but my file is in IP1 still...
I received 1 ghost update on 15th june for IP2 then received ADR on 20th june.. n received 2nd ghost ystrday arnd 11.30pm then received PPR last night arnd 3.49am


Star Member
Mar 13, 2019
Quoting Mimiiaz from https://forum.immigrer.com/topic/155901-délai-de-traitement-entrée-express-2018/page/209/#comments
It's about current trends in processsing times.
Quote published today 12 hours ago:

"Bonjour à tous,
Félicitations à tous ceux qui ont eu le PPR ces derniers temps.
Je suis installée à Toronto depuis 2 mois et demi et j'ai rencontré une agent qui travaille au service de l'immigration pour la délivrance des RP mais elle s'occupe uniquement des demande de personne déjà présente sur le territoire. Je lui ai parlé un peu du désarroi des francophones de ce forum par rapport au traitement et au temps d'attente et malheureusement elle n'était pas vraiment choqué....
Apparemment malgré le nombre de demande qui augmente aucun fond n'est prévu pour augmenter les effectifs du personnel... Il y en a même plusieurs qui font des burn out et ne viennent plus travailler... Il semblerait que les fonds soient allouer en priorité aux réfugiés ce qui entraine nos candidatures en bas de la liste des priorités de traitement...
En gros 1) réfugiés 2) demande de RP depuis le Canada (des personnes qui ont un autre type de visa mais qui habitent déjà au Canada), 3) demande de RP depuis l'étranger.
Je ne veux pas décourager ceux qui commencent la procédure et même si je sais que beaucoup d'entre vous ont remarqué que le délais ne faisait que se rallonger, ce n'est malheureusement pas prêt de s'améliorer...
Je vous souhaite en tout cas bon courage à tous ceux qui sont dans l'attente et oui pour les nouveaux soyez prêt à attendre et profitez de votre famille, vos amis et ménagez vous car croyez moi malgré tout ce que vous pouvez ressentir comme stress dans l'attente, ce n'est rien face au changement de vie qui vous attend sur place ! "


Lazy translation copied/pasted from google translate:
"Hello everyone,
Congratulations to everyone who has had the RPP lately.
I have been living in Toronto for the last two and a half months and I have met with an immigration officer who works for the issuance of PR, but only deals with applications from people already in the territory. I talked to her a bit of disarray francophones in this forum with respect to processing and waiting times and unfortunately she was not really shocked ....
Apparently despite the number of requests that increase no funds are expected to increase staff numbers ... There are even many who burn out and do not come to work anymore ... It seems that funds are allocated in priority to refugees resulting in our applications at the bottom of the list of processing priorities ...
Roughly 1) Refugees 2) PR application from Canada (people who have a different type of visa but who already live in Canada), 3) PR application from abroad.
I do not want to discourage those who start the process and although I know that many of you have noticed that the delay is only getting longer, it is unfortunately not ready to improve ...
I wish you anyway good luck to all who are waiting for new and yes be prepared to wait and enjoy your family, friends and Pace because you believe me despite what you may experience as stress the wait is nothing to change the life that awaits you on the spot!"


Hero Member
Mar 16, 2018
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
I received 1 ghost update on 15th june for IP2 then received ADR on 20th june.. n received 2nd ghost ystrday arnd 11.30pm then received PPR last night arnd 3.49am
Ohhhh... I just received this one only today and nothing changed inside my application..all the entities are same as before and application is still in IP1.. however, as per my call to cic about three weeks ago, only security was pending. So, I guess this update might be related to the completion of security, I am not sure though.
I think I must not get my hopes high until I receive anything... anyways Congratulations for your PPR..I wish you good luck for your future endeavors..
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Full Member
Mar 23, 2019
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
Hello Everyone,

I need one help. I have received yesterday Procedural Fairness Letter from CIC pertaining to POF

As part of POF document i had submitted a letter stating the actual funds (about INR 16,75,000 from HDFC Bank) of my Savings Account Plus 6 Months Bank statement

The case officer is concerned about a set of transactions - Which were credited to my account (listed below)
and have asked for explanation on the Source of funds via these transactions.
100,000 INR on December 1st 2018

75,000 INR on December 11th 2018

67,000 INR on December 11th 2018

4,50,000 INR on December 12th 2018

2,00,000 INR on December 12th 2018

1,50,450 INR on December 13th 2018

I have explanation of all of these transaction (These funds are from my own accounts from different banks and primary reason was to consolidate all money in single account. I have obtained necessary proofs)

However i don't know how to explain the below one: (It is significant amount)
4,50,000 INR on December 12th 2018

This is money from loan which i had taken from HDFC before ITA (i was not expecting ITA)
The loan was taken on 12th Dec and ITA was 19th December. Having said that the POF letter which i had mentioned cumulative amount including 4,50,000.
I also missed giving an LOE to IRCC not to consider 4,50,000 at time of AOR
What i had thought at time of submitting AOR is that immigration officer will consider (16,75,000 - 4,50,000)
12,25,000 and this is above threshold required for family of 2.

The question which is bothering is- How do i explain this transaction?
Also, i have repaid this 4,50,000 and also have an NOC letter issued from Bank on 1st April 2019 but that is 4 months after AOR

I think it was a silly mistake from my end (missing LOE) and i am applying on my own.

I understood from online sources that procedural fairness is just a step before rejection and am finding myself in troubled waters. Can anybody help?

What should i do in this case to explain 4,50,000 - Basically requesting officer not to consider this transaction
Please remember that issuance of Procedural Fairness Letter means that the Case Officer has not decided anything on the matter your response and actions / history leading upto the response will shape the Case Officers opinion.
Personally I think your argument is compelling. However you will need to to convince the Case officer that the information you provided was complete (not to reject on Completeness), and that you didn't Misrepresent. Hopefully the following shall suffice:
1. Letter from Bank confirming nature of transaction of Rs 4,50,000
2. The above explanation briefly re-iterating that the omission was inadvertent and does not impacts the net asset position and the final outcome; and
3. Net Wealth / Asset position at the time of
1. Issuance of ITA
2. e-AOR
3. Loan Payment ( if possible ) or current date​
Key thing is be truthful, language should be clear and the info sufficient, appropriate, organised and not cluttered.
Last edited:


VIP Member
Aug 1, 2018
Hello Everyone,

I need one help. I have received yesterday Procedural Fairness Letter from CIC pertaining to POF

As part of POF document i had submitted a letter stating the actual funds (about INR 16,75,000 from HDFC Bank) of my Savings Account Plus 6 Months Bank statement

The case officer is concerned about a set of transactions - Which were credited to my account (listed below)
and have asked for explanation on the Source of funds via these transactions.
100,000 INR on December 1st 2018

75,000 INR on December 11th 2018

67,000 INR on December 11th 2018

4,50,000 INR on December 12th 2018

2,00,000 INR on December 12th 2018

1,50,450 INR on December 13th 2018

I have explanation of all of these transaction (These funds are from my own accounts from different banks and primary reason was to consolidate all money in single account. I have obtained necessary proofs)

However i don't know how to explain the below one: (It is significant amount)
4,50,000 INR on December 12th 2018

This is money from loan which i had taken from HDFC before ITA (i was not expecting ITA)
The loan was taken on 12th Dec and ITA was 19th December. Having said that the POF letter which i had mentioned cumulative amount including 4,50,000.
I also missed giving an LOE to IRCC not to consider 4,50,000 at time of AOR
What i had thought at time of submitting AOR is that immigration officer will consider (16,75,000 - 4,50,000)
12,25,000 and this is above threshold required for family of 2.

The question which is bothering is- How do i explain this transaction?
Also, i have repaid this 4,50,000 and also have an NOC letter issued from Bank on 1st April 2019 but that is 4 months after AOR

I think it was a silly mistake from my end (missing LOE) and i am applying on my own.

I understood from online sources that procedural fairness is just a step before rejection and am finding myself in troubled waters. Can anybody help?

What should i do in this case to explain 4,50,000 - Basically requesting officer not to consider this transaction
Any large transactions generally raise a red flag and in your case there were many in a matter of days. Having said that, there is nothing much to worry about. You just have to tell the truth. And, your explanation is good enough.

If I were you I would provide the following

1. Explanation and proof of all your transactions done from your other bank accounts
2. Explanation that 4.50,000 is a loan amount which you have subsequently paid with proof.
3. A fresh statement of your bank account to show that even after paying the loan amount you have sufficient funds as needed.

BUT, as per IRCC guidelines you are supposed to declare all your bank accounts to IRCC. I know, many of us don't do that and just show one account which has sufficient funds. So, if the officer is over enthusiastic he may further ask for statements of other bank accounts. I haven't seen a case where it has happened yet. So, my guess it is highly unlikely. Just be prepared in case that is asked.
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VIP Member
Aug 1, 2018
Quoting Mimiiaz from https://forum.immigrer.com/topic/155901-délai-de-traitement-entrée-express-2018/page/209/#comments
It's about current trends in processsing times.
Quote published today 12 hours ago:

"Bonjour à tous,
Félicitations à tous ceux qui ont eu le PPR ces derniers temps.
Je suis installée à Toronto depuis 2 mois et demi et j'ai rencontré une agent qui travaille au service de l'immigration pour la délivrance des RP mais elle s'occupe uniquement des demande de personne déjà présente sur le territoire. Je lui ai parlé un peu du désarroi des francophones de ce forum par rapport au traitement et au temps d'attente et malheureusement elle n'était pas vraiment choqué....
Apparemment malgré le nombre de demande qui augmente aucun fond n'est prévu pour augmenter les effectifs du personnel... Il y en a même plusieurs qui font des burn out et ne viennent plus travailler... Il semblerait que les fonds soient allouer en priorité aux réfugiés ce qui entraine nos candidatures en bas de la liste des priorités de traitement...
En gros 1) réfugiés 2) demande de RP depuis le Canada (des personnes qui ont un autre type de visa mais qui habitent déjà au Canada), 3) demande de RP depuis l'étranger.
Je ne veux pas décourager ceux qui commencent la procédure et même si je sais que beaucoup d'entre vous ont remarqué que le délais ne faisait que se rallonger, ce n'est malheureusement pas prêt de s'améliorer...
Je vous souhaite en tout cas bon courage à tous ceux qui sont dans l'attente et oui pour les nouveaux soyez prêt à attendre et profitez de votre famille, vos amis et ménagez vous car croyez moi malgré tout ce que vous pouvez ressentir comme stress dans l'attente, ce n'est rien face au changement de vie qui vous attend sur place ! "


Lazy translation copied/pasted from google translate:
"Hello everyone,
Congratulations to everyone who has had the RPP lately.
I have been living in Toronto for the last two and a half months and I have met with an immigration officer who works for the issuance of PR, but only deals with applications from people already in the territory. I talked to her a bit of disarray francophones in this forum with respect to processing and waiting times and unfortunately she was not really shocked ....
Apparently despite the number of requests that increase no funds are expected to increase staff numbers ... There are even many who burn out and do not come to work anymore ... It seems that funds are allocated in priority to refugees resulting in our applications at the bottom of the list of processing priorities ...
Roughly 1) Refugees 2) PR application from Canada (people who have a different type of visa but who already live in Canada), 3) PR application from abroad.
I do not want to discourage those who start the process and although I know that many of you have noticed that the delay is only getting longer, it is unfortunately not ready to improve ...
I wish you anyway good luck to all who are waiting for new and yes be prepared to wait and enjoy your family, friends and Pace because you believe me despite what you may experience as stress the wait is nothing to change the life that awaits you on the spot!"
It is difficult to say whether this conversation actually took place or someone is writing a story. But lets assume this did happen.
There are some parts of the story which are believable. It is not very difficult to believe that Government would not be allocating budget in the same proportion the number of applications that have increased. Also, it is entirely plausible that they give preference to refugee applications.

However, the third point doesn't make sense because there is ample anecdotal or empirical evidence (depending on how much one trusts posts here or data at myimmitracker) that inland applicants get no preference over outland applicants. In fact, there are certain VOs (like Montreal) where inland applicants have to wait more compared to outland applicants.
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Star Member
Mar 13, 2019
Hey @cansha !

Indeed I thought exactly the same. There are other people from CEC and FSW-O of some countries who get their decisions ways faster than inlands. Again I come back to the point that I haven't got any clear idea about how IRCC works exactly. And that I'm really curious about personnally ^^".

My only reason I shared this here. It remains an info found on the www.
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VIP Member
Aug 1, 2018
I haven't got any clear idea about how IRCC works exactly.
I think even IRCC has got no idea about that :D I think it is more random than we would want to believe. I'm more convinced that there is more madness than method in the way they work. But again priority for Canadian government would be its citizens and hence budgets would not be allocated to make IRCC more efficient.

But to be fair, IRCC is much more efficient / process is more transparent compared to immigration process to other countries like Australia or USA. Australian process is longer and more tedious. USA is a black hole for certain nationals. And USCIS in general is more inefficient.

Jasmine Siddiqui

Star Member
May 11, 2019
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
Ohhhh... I just received this one only today and nothing changed inside my application..all the entities are same as before and application is still in IP1.. however, as per my call to cic about three weeks ago, only security was pending. So, I guess this update might be related to the completion of security, I am not sure though.
I think I must not get my hopes high until I receive anything... anyways Congratulations for your PPR..I wish you good luck for your future endeavors..
Thank u so much..
If only ur security was pending then i think this is ur ghost update for PPR hopefully..
U can call them n ask again for ur file status bcz whn i had them the last time they sd all my assessments r clear only waiting for my adr to b checked before that whn i called they sd only security is pending which has nt started


VIP Member
Aug 1, 2018
Hi guys quick question - I just logged into my account and it said for the second time within one day “Application/profile updated”. Any thoughts?
Means someone is working on your application and it is progressing. Hopefully, means PPR is nearer than before.