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wife denied visa


Jun 9, 2007
I'm a Canadian citizen living and working in Shanghai, China for almost 3 years. I recently married a Shanghainese woman and wanted to take her home for a couple of weeks to visit my family, children and friends. We submitted an application with the Canadian consulate here in Shanghai with all sorts of information (invitation letter from my parents, my tax statements, documentation of our relationship, rental contract since we recently moved, receipt for recently purchased dog, etc). She was denied the visa without an interview. We were given no explanation whatsoever.

Any intelligent person reading the application would realize that it is obvious that we have no intention to stay in Canada -- why on earth would we have moved apartment 2 months ago if we intended to stay in Canada? I have a good job highly payed job in China. In Canada we will stay with my parents. The whole picture is obvious.

Frankly, I'm completely shocked. What if anything can be done about this ridiculous situation? Any advice?


Champion Member
Apr 7, 2007
For whatever reason, you didn't convince the visa office that your wife would return to Shanghai. While your job, new marriage, and role in supporting her might fill-in the picture a bit, they're really looking for her to qualify for a TRV on her own. To do that, she'll probably need to own a home, have a job, and have significant assets. Barring that, you might consider sponsoring her for permanent residence.


Jun 9, 2007
How ludicrous. She is my wife! What is mine is hers -- at least that is the law in Canada! How can *she* own a home? We would both own the home. As far as a job goes -- that is also equally ridiculous. What does a job mean anyway? If she wants to stay in Canada she could just as well not return whatever the situation.

I will sponsor her for permanent residence, however, that takes a long time and we have not started the procedure yet. At present we don't even WANT to live in Canada -- as I said I have an excellent job here in China!

When did the lunatics take over the asylum?


Jun 9, 2007
You know what is most ironic in all of this? On the spousal sponsorship application it asks whether my wife has met my children & family. If not, why not. Well, the answer is clear to this one. "No, she has not because you morons denied her a visa to visit Canada".

To be honest at this point I really hate my country. We need our collective heads examined. When did it ever become possible to deny a Canadian citizen the right to bring his wife into the country for a vacation? No matter how many rotten apples there have been that have abused the situation in the past it does not change the facts that this is a basic rights violation!


Jun 9, 2007
How about a lawsuit against the Canadian government for their racist TRV policies that deny Canadian citizens the right to bring their legal spouses into the country? My sister didn't have any problem whatsoever in bringing her British boyfriend into Canada.

Its a sad state -- China has a "family stay together visa". Apply and you get it. Canada has a "Family split apart visa". Apply and thanks for your $200 now go home.


Jun 9, 2007
BTW, my wife just told me show owns 1/3rd of her parents house (her name is on the house deed as one of the three owners). This was not submitted as part of the TRV claim. Would this make any difference? What else might make a difference? For example, if I placed a sum of money in her Chinese bank account would that help? China does not permit joint bank accounts, so this would be her money.


Champion Member
Apr 7, 2007
If the house is of significant value - say $150,000 - and your wife owns a third of it, that should help. And it should also help if your wife has a bank account and significant funds in her name. She should also be prepared to prove her family relations in China such as parents, children, and other relatives that she has a close bond to and would want to return home to.

Regarding community property, there are any number of ways that someone might get out of that claim. Asia doesn't have the spousal protections we enjoy in North America. And I've seen with my own eyes foreigners who have gone to Asia and married, then left their ex-wives/girlfriends with nothing. So unfortunately your argument doesn't prove anything. I'm sure your intentions are good, but CIC can't look into your head and know what you're thinking. They can't assume that a newly married Chinese woman immediately owns half of her husband's assets.

I suggest you reevaluate what it takes for a TRV and try to document your wife's case as well as possible. If that doesn't work, sponsor her for a PR. But be patient. Your vitriol about "morons" and "racist TRV policies" is counter-productive if you want anyone here to help you.


Jun 9, 2007
Thanks for your advice.

It doesn't change my viewpoint tho. Simply put: Any policy that punishes the innocent is wrong. Something must change in our country -- of that I am firmly convinced. It also sounds like you are saying... this is the way that our immigration system works and you should accept that. Sorry, but I'm no sheep. If something is broken then it must be fixed, and this is in the "definitely broken" camp. I am a law abiding, tax paying Canadian citizen. I payed way more than my fair of taxes over the years (one year, more than 1mio CDN). My wife is a law abiding Chinese citizen who has never done anything wrong in her life. If I cannot invite my own wife under *these circumstances* to visit Canada then something is most definitely wrong!


Star Member
Jul 11, 2007
I am sorry this is happening to you. It definitely sounds like it is wrong and should not have happened. Good luck getting this straightened out. It must make your wife feel horrible.


Feb 24, 2008
can I ask how long it took to respond? I'm lokoing at applying right now for my wife and son...same situation..married over 2 years..check new post!


Star Member
Jan 11, 2008
it is really sad to hear your story but i tell you one thing they have diffrent rules for rich and poor countries even though china is king world wide due to their products and consider as rising Sun, but yet their citizen need visa to travel EU and North america because avg income is low and so many people wants to move EU and America canada so thats why its happen you see your sister's boyfriend got everything without problem because uk is rich country and has visa free travel to canada for 6 months so i told you already diffrent rules and law for rich and poor states even china isnt poor state but they consider it as poor , my friend apply visa for her boyfriend he was from pakistan and my friend from EU they refuse at first time and they told no reason for it even this boy asked why you refusing me on what basis so answer was with devilish smile as officer has right to refuse any visa without telling reason good bye, this girl decide to come pakistan and stays few weeks with him they got marry and this boy again apply visa this boy was wealthy and he showed at this time his bank statements credit cards and this time he wanted to apply residenece visa but at the time when he was submiting visa forms he showed his bank statements and visa officer said why you didnt showed last time your bank statement that you have enough to suport your self he answerd because i got invitation and i dont think so i needed to show anything while my wife is able support me there and goverment issued invitation letter after look at her finacial status , he said ok if you wants to meet her soon then you can apply visit visa while you can apply your residency visa there he said but i didnt have visit visa as you refused me last time for visit visa he replied that its happend because you didnt show us your finacial background or any prove that you will return to your country but now as you married so you can apply there residance visa and we can issue you visit visa all you give us your finaicial documents and visit visa form , and they said you can collect your visa after 3 weeks , so i tell you its all game of money if people got money they welcome them if without money they kick their ass bloody Law they respect relations , they earning billions $ by giving immigration every year 100 thousand people but they dont respect relationships its totaly unfair , apply again visa on same basis and try to show some finacial things from your wife side i hope she can get visa on same basis other you always have right apply for her PR visa which cant deny because its your right as candian citizen

dfoo said:
How about a lawsuit against the Canadian government for their racist TRV policies that deny Canadian citizens the right to bring their legal spouses into the country? My sister didn't have any problem whatsoever in bringing her British boyfriend into Canada.

Its a sad state -- China has a "family stay together visa". Apply and you get it. Canada has a "Family split apart visa". Apply and thanks for your $200 now go home.


Feb 17, 2008
I believe the immigration was wrong for denying the application without telling u the reason for denial. if u don't know the reason for denial how would u know what next to do? I believe though that they probably denied it because she is qualified for PR under you (as citizen). the US immigration operates that way but i don't know if its the same with Canada. if they see an applicant that is eligible for another category (normally higher) they will deny the visitor visa and tell them that they have been denied because they are eligible for PR... i saw this happen....but as i said don't know about Canada. Good luck


Apr 18, 2008
Canada's embassy workers are among the laziest in the world. I have heard of situations in which
visitor visa's were denied using the standard "vague" reasons and, upon inquiry through a member
of parliament, it was determined that the embassy official OBVIOUSLY did not read the submitted
"evidence" that the individual would return. Canada has racist policies towards countries. I am
a white Canadian who is married to a Nigerian and I was told by an embassy official "Canada does
not give visitor visas to
Nigerians". I am SURE this applies to many other developing countries. If the embassy official has
doubts, they should do their job, read the documents, and interview prospects. I am sick and tired
of hearing stories of individuals denied visitors visas when there are "permanent residents" in Canada who
have committed murders and rapes and are NOT being deported. It is completely and totally ridiculous.
Canada embassy officials go through EXTENSIVE training and skills development (at least 2 years of training
in Canada after passing numerous tests etc etc) but what is the point if they don't apply those skills?
my wife was denied her first TRV (and yes I was very bitter) so then I sponsored her for a PR, when the sponsorship application was completed she came to Canada within weeks on a TRV. Actually the wait for a good plane ticket was longer than the whole process.
she was here for 6 1/2 months.

Dfoo, I feel sympathy for you, its a terrible feeling. That fact that both you and your wife are successful and share everything. Its b***shit that she got denied.

Just sponsor her for the PR and you will be good to go. - just send me a message if you need help.

but some of you just don't get it

I think some of you should read some of the stories on this site about girlfriends or wives running away when they get here.

I'm not saying any of your wives, girlfriends, husbands, boyfriends are bad people, or will run away; but theres rules for a reason. The government sets them because something or someone caused a problem, and that is why we have rules and regulations

The officials don't care about who you are, or what you do for a living, or how rich you are. Theirs a certian criteria that one has to make before entering

I'm happy with the rule the government has on TRV's. And I think the government should be harsher on certain people trying to come into this country for any visa. And I can go on. Its the backlog in the system that pisses me off the most. Oh, and gas prices but thats not immigration.

Don't forget most of you are coming here for a better way of life right?

All in all, If you don't want to follow and respect Canada's laws; just don't come here, its that easy.

most of us wont miss you