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Hero Member
May 16, 2012
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
Sep 2012
IELTS Request
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
Waiting for visa
David83 said:
For the income tax returns, I've submitted the originals. Another question, during the processing of my application, I have renewed my passport, do I need to update the immigration office of this?

Thanks for your replies


DebR said:


Données personnelles

1. Qui est le requérant principal?

2. Parlez- vous le français ?

3. Est-ce que c'est la première fois que vous faites une demande d'immigration au Canada ?

4. Comment vous appelez-vous ? Quel est votre nom (de famille)? Quel est votre prénom ? Quel est votre nom de jeune fille ?

5. Épelez, s'il vous plaît.

6. Avez-vous changé votre nom ou prénom après avoir rempli ce formulaire ?

7. Quand êtes-vous nés? Quelle est votre date de naissance?

8. Quel âge avez-vous ?

9. Où êtes-vous nés? Votre lieu de naissance?

10. À quel pays êtes-vous nés? Quel est votre pays de naissance?

11. Quelle est votre nationalité? Votre citoyenneté? Vous êtes le citoyen de quel pays?

12. Où habitez-vous? Quelle est votre adresse actuelle?

13. Avez-vous déménagé depuis que vous aviez fait votre demande d'immigration?

14. Est-ce que vous avez la même adresse ?

15. Depuis quand habitez-vous à cette adresse?

Situation de famille

16. Êtes-vous mariés /mariées?

17. Est-ce que votre situation de famille a changé après que vous aviez rempli ce formulaire?

18. Depuis quand êtes-vous mariés/mariées?

19. Comment s'appelle votre mari/femme? Comment s'appelle-t-il /elle? Quel est le prénom de votre mari/femme? Son prénom? Quel est le nom (de famille)de votre mari/femme?

20. Est-ce que c'est votre premier mariage?

21. Combien de fois étiez-vous mariés/mariées?

22. Avez-vous des enfants de l'autre mariage?

23. Avez-vous des enfants ?

24. Combien d'enfants avez-vous?

25. Leurs noms et prénoms?

26. Quel âge ont vos enfants?

27. Quelle est leur scolarité ?

28. Est-ce que vos enfants habitent avec vous?

29. Désirez-vous immigrer avec votre époux/épouse et vos enfants?

30. Qu'est-ce que vos enfants pensent de votre projet d'immigrer au Québec?

31. Avez-vous planifié le future de vos enfants?

32. Est-ce que vous connaissez le procédé pour faire admettre vos enfants au système scolaire québécois?

33. Quelle est l'occupation de votre épouse ou époux?

34. Avec qui vivez-vous ?

35. Est-ce que vos parents restent en vie?

36. Où habitent vos parents?

37. Qu'est-ce qu'ils font?

38. Est-ce qu'ils travaillent?

39. Est-ce qu'ils veulent immigrer aussi?

40. Avez-vous des frères ou des sœurs ?

41. Combien de frères et sœurs avez-vous?

42. Comment s'appelle-t-il/elle ? Comment s'appellent-ils/elles ?

43. Quel âge a-t-il/elle ? Quel âge ont-ils/elles ?

44. Où résident-ils?

45. Quelles sont ses professions?

46. Est-ce que votre famille connaît votre projet d'immigrer au Canada ?

47. Si oui, qu'est-ce qu'ils en pensent ?

48. Est-ce qu'ils ont l'intention de vous joindre?

Vos connaissances au Canada /Québec

49. Avez-vous de la famille/ des amis au Canada /Québec?

50. Où habitent-ils/elles?

51. Sont-ils/elles immigrant(e)s reçu(e)s?

52. Quels sont leurs métiers?

53. Où avez-vous fait votre connaissance de cette personne? D'où le/la connaissez-vous?

54. Quand est-il parti au Canada? Depuis quand habite-il au Canada?

55. Que fait-il/elle? Est-ce qu'il/elle travaille? Est-ce qu'il/elle est employé(e)?

56. Est-ce qu'il/elle parle français?

57. Connaissez-vous son numéro de téléphone? Quel est son numéro de téléphone?

58. Quelle est son adresse?

59. Est-ce que vous lui appelez souvent?

60. Combien de fois par mois communiquez-vous par téléphone?

61. Quand avez-vous parlé à lui/elle pour la dernière fois?

62. Avez-vous ses photos?

63. Qu'est ce qu'il/elle vous a parlé du Québec?

64. Peut-il/elle vous abriter pour quelque temps? Acceptera-t-il/elle de vous héberger pour quelque temps ?

65. Est-ce qu'il /elle peut vous aider à adapter?

Votre projet d'immigration

66. Quand et comment est-ce que vous avez conçu le projet d'immigrer au Québec?

67. Depuis quand songez-vous à immigrer au Québec ?

68. Quand on vous parle du Canada, qu'est-ce que vous vient à l'esprit en premier?

69. Est-ce que vous avez déjà visité le Canada / Québec? Avez-vous déjà été au Canada / Québec?

70. Si oui, précisez les dates et les motifs. Quel était le but de votre visite?

71. Avez-vous travaillé au Canada / Québec?

72. Où étés-vous allés, lorsque vous avez visité le Québec?

73. Pourquoi voulez-vous immigrer au Québec?

74. Pourquoi avez-vous choisi le Canada plutôt que les É.U. ou l'Australie?

75. Avez-vous un visa américain? Quand expire-t-il?

76. Que pensez-vous des États-Unis?

77. Comment avez-vous pris la décision d'immigrer au Canada?

78. En avez-vous discuté avec d'autres personnes avant de prendre la décision d'immigrer?

79. Qu'espérez-vous trouver au Canada?

80. À quelle ville voulez-vous arriver? Et pourquoi?

81. Savez-vous en quoi la province X se distingue des autres provinces du Canada? Précisez.

82. Croyez-vous trouver du racisme au Canada?

83. Que pensez-vous du racisme?

84. Comment réagirez-vous au racisme dont vous pourriez être la cible?

85. Croyez-vous qu'il peut être contrôlé? Si oui, de quelle façon? Si non, que faire alors?

86. Avez-vous faites des démarches pour vous renseigner sur le Canada et les Canadiens?

87. Avez-vous rencontré des Canadiens? Que pensez-vous?

88. Comment comptez-vous adapter dans un pays que vous ne connaissez pas?

89. Comment envisagez-vous vos premiers jours au Canada?

90. Si vous êtes acceptés, quelles sont vos premières démarches au Québec?

Vos connaissances sur le Québec

91. Quelle votre impression du Québec?

92. Comment le Canada / Québec est perçu dans le monde / dans votre pays?

93. Qu'est ce que vous connaissez du Québec?

94. Êtes-vous au courant du mode de vie au Québec?

95. Êtes-vous au courant du système politique? Avez-vous connaissance du système politique de Canada?

96. Êtes-vous au courant du système religieux? Savez-vous quelle est la religion pratiquée au Québec?

97. Êtes-vous au courant du système de taxation canadien?

98. Connaissez-vous le système bien-être social du Canada? Que pensez-vous? Envisagez-vous d'y avoir recours éventuellement?

99. Comprenez-vous le système monétaire du Canada?

100. Connaissez-vous la valeur de l'argent canadien?

101. Que pensez-vous du climat au Québec?

102. Avez-vous connaissance de l'histoire du Canada et du Québec?

Formation et expérience professionnelle

103. Donnez-moi le nombre d'années total des vos études? Combien d'années de scolarité avez-vous?

104. Quand avez-vous complété vos études secondaires?

105. Avez-vous le Diplôme (certificat) d'études secondaires?

106. Quelle formation avez-vous? Quelle est votre qualification professionnelle?

107. Où avez-vous obtenu une formation supérieure?

108. Avez-vous un diplôme ou autre? Dans quel domaine?

109. Quelle est la durée des cours afin d'obtenir ce diplôme?

110. Votre profession est-elle réglementée?

111. Savez-vous quels sont les procédés pour faire valider vos diplômes au Québec et exercer votre profession?

112. Est-ce que vous possédez d'autres diplômes ou certificat?

113. Ces diplômes ont-ils un lien avec votre travail? Avez-vous l'expérience de travail en votre spécialité?

114. Si oui, en quoi? Dans quel domaine travaillez-vous?

115. Pourquoi avez-vous choisi cette branche?

116. Avez-vous changé votre emploi après avoir fourni les informations dans ce formulaire?

117. Quel est votre poste de travail? Quel est votre emploi?

118. Quel est le nom de votre employeur?

119. Quel est le nom de la compagnie pour qui vous travaillez?

120. Que font-ils?

121. Combien d'employés travaillent avec vous?

122. Depuis combien d'années travaillez-vous pour cette compagnie?

123. Aimez-vous votre travail? Pourquoi?

124. Quel est votre salaire mensuel brut?

125. A quelle heure commencez-vous à travailler? Expliquez-moi que faites vous pendant une journée de travail.

126. Combien de jours par semaine travaillez-vous?

127. Décrivez les différentes tâches accomplies durant votre travail.

128. Que faites vous après le travail?

129. Depuis la fin de vos études, où avez-vous travaillé? Détaillez votre expérience de travail.

130. Décrivez vos tâches dans vos emplois précédents.

131. Qui a préparé vos lettres d'emploi? Est-ce que votre avocat vous a aidé? Notez que votre employeur présent ou employeur passé doit être le seul à le faire.

132. Vu que vous travaillez déjà a votre pays, pourquoi voulez-vous venir au Canada?

133. Qu'espérez-vous de mieux au Canada?

134. Quand espérez-vous trouver un emploi au Canada?

135. Qu'est-ce qui vous fait croire que vous trouverez un emploi au Québec?

136. Qu'est-ce que vous allez faire au Canada?

137. Que savez-vous du marché du travail au Québec?

138. Quels moyens de la recherche d'un emploi connaissez-vous ?

139. Avez-vous une offre d'emploi?

140. Comment allez-vous trouver un emploi? (Vous devez commencer immédiatement votre recherche d'emploi et vous devez informer le conseiller a l'immigration pendant votre entrevue des étapes déjà entamées).

141. Connaissez-vous quelqu'un qui pourra vous aider à trouver un travail?

142. Qu'est-ce vous allez faire si vous ne trouvez pas un emploi selon votre spécialité?

143. Qu'est-ce que vous allez faire si vous ne trouverez pas un emploi comme ...? Qu'allez-vous faire? Quoi d'autre pouvez vous faire? Donnez-moi 3 autres activités que vous pouvez faire.

144. Si vous n'avez pas trouvé un emploi en trois mois q'allez-vous faire?

145. Avez-vous déjà cherché un emploi au Canada? Comment l'avez-vous faites? Pourquoi pas?


146. Comment comptez-vous vivre et faire vivre votre famille sans emploi en arrivant au Canada? Possédez-vous une somme nécessaire?

147. Quelle somme d'argent allez vous apporter avec vous? Combien d'argent prévoyez-vous apporter au Québec?

148. Avez-vous des preuves que vous avez ce montant d'argent?

149. Connaissez-vous le contrat relatif à la capacité d'autonomie financière?


A Bientot.
Thanks for your input. That should be helpful.


Star Member
Sep 21, 2014
Visa Office......
CSQ - Mexico BIQ/Federal - POS
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
CSQ-April 2012/Federal -Sept 14, 2015
Doc's Request.
Oct 2013
AOR Received.
CSQ-July 2013/Federal-Dec 8, 2015
File Transfer...
Dec 18, 2015
Med's Request
Feb 25, 2016
Med's Done....
Mar 7, 2016
waived for CSQ
Passport Req..
Feb 25, 2016
to be decided
David83 said:
Any one has a recommended website about Quebec to prepare for the CSQ interview?

Thanks in advance

Principal Applicant, Accompanying Spouse or Accompanying Common Law Partner, and any Accompanying Child 18 years or older

1) Copy of the Interview Request Letter

2) Updated version of application forms for the Principal Applicant and Accompanying Spouse or Common Law partner, if applicable:

3) Original Statutory Documents for the Principal Applicant, Accompanying Spouse or Common Law Partner and Accompanying Children, if applicable:

• Passport, currently valid
o For applicants not residing in their home country: Copy of your valid work and/or study permits
• Birth Certificate(s)
• Marriage Certificate(s), Divorce judgment(s), and/or Death Certificate pertaining to your spouse
• Complete Adoption documents for every accompanying adopted child
• Divorce judgment, mentioning the custody arrangement pertaining to the child or children
• For the minor child / children accompanying you who are from a previous marital union: the Declaration from the non-accompanying parent, expressly authorizing immigration to Quebec. This declaration must be signed by the non-accompanying parent and must be authenticated by an official, specifically a lawyer or a notary
• For the common law spouse: documentation attesting to your co-habitation over the course of the past 12 (twelve) months preceding the submission of your application.
o Copy of mutual lease
o Copy of joint bank accounts, demonstrating the same address
o Copy of electricity bills, telephone bills, etc. demonstrating the same address
• Death certificates (for previous spouse or children, if applicable)
• 1 passport sized-photo of each family member and yourself

4) Original Education Documents for the Principal Applicant and Accompanying Spouse or Common Law partner, if applicable

• ALL Diplomas and Educational Certificates (secondary school and higher)
• ALL Transcripts (secondary school and higher)
• For applicants currently studying:
o Original Admission Letter from the institution
o Original Recent Transcripts, indicating the credits you have obtained as well as the credits you have yet to obtain

5) Professional Experience within the last five (5) years for the Principal Applicant and Accompanying Spouse or Common Law partner, if applicable

• Updated Employment Certificates
o Employment Certificates on company letterhead must clearly indicate the employer’s co-ordinates, must specify the position occupied and must provide a brief description of your duties and responsibilities. They must also be signed and show the name and the position of the signer.
o If you are currently employed: You should get a NEW letter of reference from your current employer once your Interview Date Notice is issued. In this way, the months of professional experience you have acquired during the processing of your application are supported.
o If you work in China: A notarial certificate of work history issued by the Notary Public Office, which is a government body in China. Also, the company seal and signature on your work reference letters from China must be certified by the Notary Public Office.

• First Three (3) / Last Three (3) Pay slips from each employment
• Income tax statements for each of the past five (5) years or proof of exemption - very important!
• Original Proof of your Contributions to social security for the past five (5) years (i.e. CNSS, SSO, CNAS, CNPS, IPRES, Bituach Leumi or the equivalent) OR a proof of exemption

• If applicable: Proof of all Internship(s)
o Certificates from the employer or establishment with proof that the internship was paid, conducted within the framework of your field of study or as an official program prior to employment or as an initiation to professional life
• If applicable: If you have been Self Employed, in a liberal or commercial profession:
o Your registration number at the Register of Commerce, mentioning the start date of the activity, or recent proof of your membership to an order or professional corporation, or a recent proof of social security contribution for non-salary workers
o Three (3) of your last financial balance sheets and tax statements for the last five (5) years OR proof of exemption AND, proof of your status as a joint collaborator (partner) in the business

6) Bank Statements for the three (3) months prior to the interview, in the Principal Applicant’s name and/or the Accompanying spouse or Common Law partner’s name

7) If applicable: Certificate and/or Diploma of French Language for the Principal Applicant and Accompanying Spouse or Common Law partner, if applicable, indicating the level obtained and total number of hours studied

8) Financial Self Sufficiency Contract: completed and signed, in which you engage to meet your own needs and the needs of your accompanying family members during the first three (3) months after landing in Quebec.

9) If applicable: Proof of your Stay in Quebec (within the last 10 years), detailing the length of your stay (ie. Original visas and/or permits, passports, hotel receipt, air travel booking confirmation, or other)

10) If applicable AND if you have not already furnished the following proof for a Relative in Quebec that you declared in your forms:
• Proof of the relative’s status in Quebec (ie. copy of permanent resident card OR Canadian passport OR Canadian Citizenship Card)
• Recent proof of the relative’s residence in Quebec (ie. copy of last income tax statement, copy of lease, or others)
• Proof of kinship: certified copy of the family member’s birth certificate or family booklet

11) If applicable: Accompanying dependent, 22 years or older
• Proof of enrollment and transcripts for each year of study completed since the age of 22 years (OR, if the person got married or entered into a common law relationship before the age of 22 years, the aforementioned documents since the marriage or beginning of common law status).
• If applicable, a medical certificate attesting to the incapacity, physical or psychological, of the person
• If applicable, the marriage certificate, demonstrating that the person got married or entered into a common law relationship before the age of 22 years

12) If applicable: Other Declarations and Forms

• Declaration by a candidate practicing a regulated profession or trade in Quebec

• Declaration by spouse’s or de facto spouse

• Declaration concerning the common values of Quebec (page 6 of the DCS forms)

• Declaration of a graduate of a medical school outside of Canada and the United States

• Declaration of a candidate practicing the teaching profession in preschool, elementary school or secondary school

13) Bring your interview preparation material!

NB! - Please bear in mind that wherever you have already submitted Originals with your initial application, you do not need to procure another Original.

The purpose of bringing the Originals to the interview is to enable the immigration officer to compare the Certified / Notarized Copies of your documents you submitted with the Originals.


Star Member
Sep 21, 2014
Visa Office......
CSQ - Mexico BIQ/Federal - POS
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
CSQ-April 2012/Federal -Sept 14, 2015
Doc's Request.
Oct 2013
AOR Received.
CSQ-July 2013/Federal-Dec 8, 2015
File Transfer...
Dec 18, 2015
Med's Request
Feb 25, 2016
Med's Done....
Mar 7, 2016
waived for CSQ
Passport Req..
Feb 25, 2016
to be decided
David83 said:
Any one has a recommended website about Quebec to prepare for the CSQ interview?

Thanks in advance

Top 10 interview mistakes

1. Not having learned French and underestimating the importance interviewing officers give to this criterion. Wanting to learn French only once the CSQ is issued.
o How to avoid this mistake?
Learn French right from the beginning and do not stop until you get to the interview. Do not stop learning French once you have succeeded the required level for the submission of your file, otherwise you will quickly forget your French and you will be unable to converse in French during the interview. In our experience, this criterion is given more importance than before and the majority of the interview will be conducted in French. Your knowledge of French will give you points not only for the French language criterion, but also for the adaptability criterion! Further, not being able to speak at least a little French reflects badly on your intent to settle in the Province of Quebec, which has to be emphasized throughout the process.
Do not believe that it is sufficient to assure the interviewing officer that you will learn French intensively once you are sure to make it past the selection stage (and when the French classes are reimbursed to up to 1,500 CAD). This type of reasoning is one of the most important refusal reasons! You have to prove your motivation to integrate to Quebec society before and during the interview, not afterwards.

2. Not knowing the licensing requirements of the professional body that governs the profession you intend to exercise in Quebec.
o How to avoid this mistake?
Do not be content with only signing the “Form for a profession governed by a professional order”. Call or write an email to the concerned order and get information about the licensing requirements, tests to take (if any) and the cost involved. Be ready to talk about the steps you need to undertake to become a nurse / accountant / engineer, etc. and potential language exams involved. See this webpage where you can find more information for your specific profession: http://www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca/en/employment/regulated-professions/professional-order.html

3. Not knowing your prospective job market well enough.
o How to avoid this mistake?
Our successful clients have made research over several months and were able to talk about the local companies (Quebec companies, not just multinationals) that operate in their field of interest. Also, they were able to discuss their salary expectations with regards to the current job market situation. Remember that newly arrived immigrants usually earn a little less than their well-established counterparts. Further, it is important to print job offers in your field and to have applied for a few of them to get an idea of the feedback to your profile. You can also ask the HR department or hiring manager for an “informational interview” where your chances once arrived in Quebec could be discussed.

4. Not bringing tax or social security documents to the interview (for each job).
o How to avoid this mistake?
Quebec immigration officers have become stricter on that criterion, because they want to make sure that you and your spouse’s work experience was acquired legally. Therefore, they expect you to bring proof of income tax payments or proof of social security contributions to the interview. Should the country in which you have been working not collect such taxes, then try to find the applicable law (e.g. the tax law or the budget bill) that states the income tax exemption, or any other proof of exemption. For example, you might want to get a letter from your employer’s accounting department, or from a chartered accountant or lawyer in that country.

5. Expecting that your degrees will automatically be recognized.
o How to avoid this mistake?
While some employers might hire you on the basis of your foreign degrees, it is recommended to request an “Évaluation comparative des études effectuées hors du Québec” (comparative evaluation for studies done outside Québec), which is an expert opinion issued for reference purposes that can help individuals who studied outside Québec find a job. It indicates how the studies completed outside Québec compare to the Québec education system and its main diplomas (or educational benchmarks). In particular, most professional orders require such an evaluation. See here: http://www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca/en/education/comparative-evaluation/submitting-request/index.html

6. Not recalling the “Common Values of Quebec”.
o How to avoid this mistake?
Remember: Quebec is a free, democratic, francophone and diverse society that emphasizes the equality of all and the separation between church and state. Please read through the following website: http://www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca/en/choose-quebec/common-values/index.html.

7. Not making your choice of Quebec clear enough.
o How to avoid this mistake?
Interviewing officers want to know that you consciously chose to immigrate to the Province of Quebec. Therefore, any mention of arguments such as “I might go and live in another Province” or “I only applied to the Quebec Skilled Worker program because I do not fulfill the criteria of the other immigration programs” will put your application at risk of refusal. Be ready to argue why you chose Quebec over any other Province. Quebec’s unique bilingual culture, diverse job market, European architectural influence, safety, etc. are only a few ideas. Make sure to always emphasize “Quebec”, in opposition to “Canada”.

8. Declaring that you or your spouse wants to go back to studies once arrived in Quebec.
o How to avoid this mistake?
Although, as a permanent resident, you will have the same rights as Canadian citizens (except for the right to vote) and you may therefore study as much as you want, you are applying through the Quebec Skilled Worker program – not the skilled student program. The Province of Quebec selects you as a skilled immigrant, confident that you will be able to join the workforce upon arrival and be an asset to it. Therefore, any mention of wanting to study instead of working, and benefit from scholarships and low tuition fees puts your application at a risk of refusal. Overall, it is important to emphasize your intention to actively contribute to society (by joining its workforce) instead of depending from it (scholarships, bursaries, and any other financial support).

9. Waiting for things to happen and not being proactive enough.
o How to avoid this mistake?
What the interviewing officer is looking for is a proactive attitude in researching your future home country. Even during the interview, you should at all times be proactive and freely talk about your efforts to research the Province of Quebec. Do not wait to be given the chance to discuss you (and your spouse’s) efforts. You have to sell yourself, just as if you were attending a job interview. Do not sit back and remain silent while the interviewing officer types down your responses. Remember: you will only be given one chance to succeed the interview! You have not come this far to wait for things to happen.

10. Not taking the interview seriously enough - not doing mock interviews.
o How to avoid this mistake?
Be early. Be well dressed. Be polite to the interviewer and to your accompanying family members. Learn a few sentences by heart with which you can greet the interviewer in French and introduce yourself and your family. Express your happiness to be there and to be given the possibility to be heard (still in French).
From successful candidates we have heard that the preparation to the interview takes several months, in addition to the months learning French. You will not be able to do convincing research on the Province in one day or one week, because you will not be familiar enough with the material and will not have had a chance to know the evolutions on the job market well enough. Contact anybody you know in Quebec and try to gather as much information as possible about the Quebecois lifestyle. Finally, a mention of “Poutine” – Quebec’s local dish of French fries, gravy and local cheese – or “Tourtière” (meat pie) has had quite a success in interviews.
Ask your friends to interview you about your motivations to immigrate to Quebec and your knowledge about the Province of Quebec. Prepare your responses and translate it all into French. Be able to present your knowledge naturally, not as if you learned it by heart.


Star Member
Sep 21, 2014
Visa Office......
CSQ - Mexico BIQ/Federal - POS
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
CSQ-April 2012/Federal -Sept 14, 2015
Doc's Request.
Oct 2013
AOR Received.
CSQ-July 2013/Federal-Dec 8, 2015
File Transfer...
Dec 18, 2015
Med's Request
Feb 25, 2016
Med's Done....
Mar 7, 2016
waived for CSQ
Passport Req..
Feb 25, 2016
to be decided
I hope that helps David


Newjwel said:
Really? I though it is not a big deal since renewing my passport doesn't add or remove any thing that could affect my points, is it? To update them, shall I use the form A-0520-MA "Change to the Application for a Selection Certificate"?



kanarf said:
I hope that helps David
Thanks a lot to put these information. I appreciate it. I will consider them carefully.

Just one question for now in my mind: When I applied, I was a student, now I finished studying but not working yet. I have updated them of this with official documents. Do I still need a letter from the university or from my supervisor to bring with me to the interview?



Star Member
Sep 21, 2014
Visa Office......
CSQ - Mexico BIQ/Federal - POS
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
CSQ-April 2012/Federal -Sept 14, 2015
Doc's Request.
Oct 2013
AOR Received.
CSQ-July 2013/Federal-Dec 8, 2015
File Transfer...
Dec 18, 2015
Med's Request
Feb 25, 2016
Med's Done....
Mar 7, 2016
waived for CSQ
Passport Req..
Feb 25, 2016
to be decided
David83 said:
Thanks a lot to put these information. I appreciate it. I will consider them carefully.

Just one question for now in my mind: When I applied, I was a student, now I finished studying but not working yet. I have updated them of this with official documents. Do I still need a letter from the university or from my supervisor to bring with me to the interview?


I would take the letter. it is better to be over prepared than under prepared....all the very best and please share your interview experience when the time comes.


kanarf said:
I would take the letter. it is better to be over prepared than under prepared....all the very best and please share your interview experience when the time comes.
I agree. Thanks for the wishes. Sure I will.


Hero Member
Mar 28, 2015
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
still not
waiting for that
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
Send with Application
File Transfer...
Med's Request
waiting for that
Med's Done....
waiting for that
waiting for that
Passport Req..
waiting for that
DebR said:
Hi , It is not true that if you send the photocopy then your file will be rejected.

Please see their Attention on your Letter
Tous les documents attestant la légalité de l'expérience professionnelle doivent être émis par une autorité gouvernementale. Les documents émis par un employeur ou un comptable ne sont pas acceptés.

So if you send them the certified copy (by the governing body of that department) of your documents then those will be accepted.
Hi DebR
I'm from BANGLADESH & from APIS. As per i know you update your document last month. I hardly want to know from you that are you submit any tax exemption certificate?

Are you get invitation for interview?


Star Member
Mar 3, 2012
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
several times
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
send with application
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
<br/><img src="http://www.factscanada.ca/elements/media/elements/qc-flag.gif" alt="" border="0"/>
rabeya84 said:
Hi DebR
I'm from BANGLADESH & from APIS. As per i know you update your document last month. I hardly want to know from you that are you submit any tax exemption certificate?

Are you get invitation for interview?
Hi Rabeya84,
I have already mentioned that I submitted all my & my spouse Tax Certificate for last 5 years before my application date as they required. No need to submit any exemption certificate. And I've not received any update from VO.


Hero Member
Mar 28, 2015
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
still not
waiting for that
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
Send with Application
File Transfer...
Med's Request
waiting for that
Med's Done....
waiting for that
waiting for that
Passport Req..
waiting for that
DebR said:
Hi Rabeya84,
I have already mentioned that I submitted all my & my spouse Tax Certificate for last 5 years before my application date as they required. No need to submit any exemption certificate. And I've not received any update from VO.
You & your spouse pay tax last five year?


Hero Member
Aug 20, 2012
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
2-Dec-2011, Federal App Rec. in NS: 29-June-2015(Sent:18/6)
Doc's Request.
CSQ: 04-03-2015
CSQ: 29-05-2015
AOR Received.
04-02-2012; Federal AOR: 7-August 2015
IELTS Request
Sent with the Application
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
"Medical Received": 26-02-2016; PPR: 29-02-2016
Decision Made: 29-02-2016; Visa Issued: 3/3/2016
4-Oct-2016; PR Card received: 15th Dec 2016!!!!!

Where to get the document notarized in bangalore? Does anyone know any Advocate who does this in bangalore?

Also, there is a request to update the documents with 2 labels having the address in local language? What kind of labels are these? Is it a paper typed with address? or Does anyone have any idea on what are these?

Thanks & Regards


Hi all,

During my CSQ application process, I renewed my passport and got a new one with a new number. One of the members here suggested that I should notify them of this. The problem is that I thought renewing a passport will make a difference to the decision, so I didn't notify them withing the first 30 days of the change. Will this make any problem in the interview or I should submit a photocopy before the interview?



Full Member
Feb 3, 2015
If I fail the B2 tests & I cannot find an employer who is willing to sponsor me for the visa & my visitor visa to study is rejected, how to get my notarized documents back?