Last I looked, yes that form has those problems. It is fairly easy, however, to otherwise populate the form so that it will properly show days present and enter respective credit (half day credits for days prior to landing; full day credit after).I am wondering if anybody else had similar dilemma while filling the "How to calculate physical presence form - CIT 0407E".
1- if number in box F is more than 1095, you are eligible to apply. Shouldn't this be box G? Box F is number of days spent outside Canada.
2. if your calculation in Box J is more than 365, the only enter 365 days of credit. Shouldn't this be box K? Box K is TR or PP credit.
any help would be appreciated to clear this confusion.
Anybody else thinks CIC has got some errors in the form?
There are many reasons to NOT use that form, but rather to use the online presence calculator and print it out. Not the least of which is that historically IRCC and CIC appear to approach the presence calculation more confidently when it is a printout of the presence calculation using the online calculator. But another big one is that it is way too easy to make mistakes using the hard copy form (mistakes which are not at all obvious).
Use the online calculator!
IRCC still has quite a lot of clean-up to do with the new forms.