Just a word of advise for all of you with Step-children...not to sound negative, but just to give you the other side, be aware there is always 3 sides of every story. Dont be so quick to discount the word of others on what went down in a previous relationship. I have no step children, but I am a "baby mother" and my 2 babyfathers would probably have ppl believe I am satan. They make sure to tell any women they meet how horrible I am. However that of course is not my opinion and I could give you a million reasons why not, but the fact remains I am my children natural mother, nothing will ever change that. I know this may not be the case for nuff of you (especially with a 2 month old being left but her mom, not cool) so I do understand every story is different however, just try keep an open mind when it comes to the other parent of your step children. At the end of the day, dogging the bio mom or dad (no matter how much you may know that they are wutless) really only harms the child, because they are a part of that person. My husband has lived and breathed foolishness from my babyfather, but he NEVER speaks of them at all. In fact my children begged me to change their last name to his, and he said no out of respect for thei father, even though he has been the only father in their life and has not only supported them mentally but financially instead of their bio dad. Just food for thought peeps.