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H1B - Alberta PNP File Number / Certificate Timeline


Hero Member
Dec 19, 2008
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Done:July 26 2010,Delivered:Aug 4 2010
No but that fellow is right.No one has right to play with people who are already emotionally down.They should have come clear that folks we don't have jobs here..apply through cic and be happy.


Star Member
May 18, 2009
engg said:
No but that fellow is right.No one has right to play with people who are already emotionally down.They should have come clear that folks we don't have jobs here..apply through cic and be happy.
Hi Frnds,
So now everyone has clear Idea whats going on in AINP(by the mail recently received from AINP).Now please everyone(i mean every desi) stop screwing AINP ASS and stop calling them for you file numbers and nominations.Lets take reality into consideration first of all why should AINP give us file numbers and nominations.Its nothing written on the stone that they (canada or alberta) is going to die without you or me.Please stop irritating them with you calls guys.Let them work on their own.Please give them some space.



Star Member
May 20, 2009
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Buffalo, NY
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App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
I would like to share some thoughts….

Q. What was the main attraction of H1B (SRS) Stream for AINP?
A. NO job required, anyone with H1B (or equivalent visa) living in US for 1 yr can easily apply.

Q. Then why AINP is putting so much emphasis on prioritizing applications with job offers?
A. This is something we need to dig in deeply.
First of all, why they started this stream?
Well this stream started in June 08. That means it must have been planned in Quarter 1 of 2008. (Assuming govt. time in forming any new process), so the process came in effect by Q2-2008.
Now Q1-2008 was not so bad in terms of economy. So Canada must have thought of getting some cream out of US international work force. By the time process was implemented, the recession was in its early phase. As recession went worse with time, more and more people found this option lucrative and jumped on the band wagon.

According to US reports, the #1 country in foreign trade with US is Canada, China is #2. So, it’s clear that if US is going through bad economical phase, then the most impact would be on Canada.
With the rising economical problems, the SRS AINP now seems to be a BAD decision on state’s part. i.e. getting so many new UNEMPLOYED people to the country ( as no job was key feature for this process)

To slow down unemployed immigration till the situation is under control. First changed the process time line to 8 months, and the 12 months (everybody hoping to have good 2010). Also letters for the announcement had strong emphasis on getting a job to get priority in application process.
I think, internally the process has freeze, as no new nomination are given out after first letter was issued. And the AINP Department is just looking for people who could get a job first.

So, Its going to be a Looooooooooooong wait friends….


Hero Member
Feb 8, 2009
at-80 said:
Thoughts put across very well. I totally agree.

I agree with you DJ. I suspect the reason they have written " at least" 12 months to start the process is because they were being harassed by H1B people's calls. Now the problem is even if they want to issue nominations before 12 months, they can't. Otherwise all the others will start calling & harassing again. Also I feel that some people whose situation is hopeless must have used nasty language with them.


Star Member
May 20, 2009
i seriously think they dont wish to issue nominations. i agree with DJ...why would they just not send out nominations for 2 months once they have already made decision


Hero Member
Jul 1, 2009
Job Offer........
May be they have created X no of jobs for their lawyers . job creation in difficult economy. good job alberta..

Database Admin

Star Member
Apr 17, 2009
Looks like there's no difference between alberta and FSW now. Time taken will be 2+ years in each case. Now options are either wait or look for opportunites in home country itself.


Hero Member
Jan 13, 2009
I can understand all the frustration here, but it seems to me like the following points are being ignored in the Alberta-bashing process:

1. The H1-B SRS program came into effect in May 2008, which means they envisioned it in beginning of 2008. They, like the rest of the world, had no idea that the global economy would take such a nosedive in the months to follow. Once the program was underway, they did not pull out (fortunately for us), regardless of the number of applications they received. This was supposed to be a pilot program which could be terminated at any time.

2. This program got tremendous response, beyond their wildest dreams. The trend from FSW would show that thousands of "highly skilled professionals" who have still not gotten the Green Card apply for Canadian PR as a backup only, with scores of approved applicants choosing to let their PR expire. However, now the applicants are more serious about Canada, and are looking to actually immigrate.

3. USCIS started clamping down on all the fake companies in the US, and throwing their sorry asses in jail. This just did not happen in the past. These "consulting companies" had been blatantly abusing the US Immigration laws for years. Since this pipeline has shrunk considerably, all the "consultants" applied for H1-B SRS program.

4. At the time of the launch of this program, crude oil was at its record high. AB's economy was booming, when the rest of NA was getting screwed by the gas prices.

5. AB's need for skilled professionals is projected over the next decade. Their needs are definitely not urgent. We applicants, on the other hand, need something to work for us real soon. This is the classic conflicting demand and supply situation. Funny that there is a glut of us "highly skilled professionals". Right now, we need AINP more than they need us.

6. Canada, like any other economy is in bad shape. Why would they issue PR's when their citizens are out of job? I am genuinely surprised that they have not pulled the plug yet. Obliviously, they are going to delay issuing Nominations and in turn PR's in this economy.

7. This program has been around since May 2008. I was blissfully ignorant of it until November when I stumbled upon some thread in an immigration forum. By the time I sent my application to AB, there were 500 guys in queue ahead of me. These 9 months I have lived in a fear that they might just shut this thing down, and retroactively too, if FSW's precedence was followed. Lets be honest, how much time did each of us take to mail the application after we became aware of this avenue? Some less some more. Those who acted proactively are in a good shape today.

My intentions are not to antagonize y'all. I understand your frustrations. I have been in the US for a long long time also, and am yet to smell the Green Card. I am only trying to make sure we are not just blaming AINP for things that are beyond their control. As far as I am concerned, AINP and also CIC for that matter, have been very professional and quick.

.... end of rant.


Full Member
Jul 14, 2009
Can't apply for FSW, most of the NOCs are not on the list. They are just shutting it down till they feel like they need more people. Most of us are really out of luck now.

Database Admin said:
Looks like there's no difference between alberta and FSW now. Time taken will be 2+ years in each case. Now options are either wait or look for opportunites in home country itself.


Star Member
May 21, 2009
nomad_musafir said:
1) I am only trying to make sure we are not just blaming AINP for things that are beyond their control.

2) As far as I am concerned, AINP and also CIC for that matter, have been very professional and quick.
I have to disagree here.

1) We are dealing with government not a private business. If government says something they have to fulfill it. They can't just wash their hands saying things went out of control. Very purpose of government is to keep things under control.

2) I doubt their professionalism and quickness. Every 4 months just adding 4 months to their timeline doesn't comes under quickness or professionalism. Rather I would call it as dodging people. There should be a yield of result for measuring professionalism or quickness. They should mention the reason for the delay and change in timeline to call it as professional. Even tech companies like google and paypal are giving reason for outage in their system.

While everyone agrees that so many things changed from May 2008 to Feb 2009, there was no major change from Mar 2009 to Aug 2009. If so, they should have done a thorough research in Apr 2009 when they changed the timeline and NOC list first time. After 4 months again why did they change the timeline when there is no change in the economy. In fact economy is growing in past 4 months and they should start issuing nominations now to get the workforce they need in peak economy.


Hero Member
May 29, 2009
Job Offer........

Looks like you have never dealt with a goverment entity before this. There is more monopoly in the goverment services as there is no alternative. AINP is not obligued to give the nomination based on your emergency. Your lack of planning is not AINP's emergency.

Your case is important to them and it will be processed in the order it was received.

Thank you for understanding,

Alberta Governor


Star Member
Mar 10, 2009
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Looks like AINP wants to sail on both the boats

1> They dont want to loose the Cream layer of US (H1b) by stopping\freezing this program.
2> They want to control the unemployement rate by holding\delaying the nominations. Assuming canada is also facing the effects of global recession.

My 2 cent ..........


Star Member
Apr 6, 2009
They have said in the e-mail that processing will not start for some applications for 12 monts. Do they mean that no file numbers will be issued or applications with file numbers will also not be processed. It's not very clear. They need to clarify this.


Full Member
Jul 7, 2009
I honestly feel we all should stop calling AINP and keep asking them for File Numbers and Nominations.
As rightly said elsewhere on this thread, their economy is down, their citizens are out of work, of course they want to stop outsiders immigrating into their country and burden their system.
All we can do is wait and hope for things to turn around.
This part is frustrating as many of us will be killed(out of status, have to go back to home country etc.) by then.
We should not blame AINP for being selfish, all along, we all have been no better than being selfish ourselves.

Lets hope these bad times get over soon.
