1. Mind not posting in all caps/all capitals - the netiquette is a post in all caps is equivalent to shouting. You may get more people to respond to you by observing netiquette.
2. Post your timeline, need more information than just the ones seen from your message:
- under PNP, w/LoA, and RPRF, MR/IME completed
- expired Medicals in June
3. Response to what? - Did you ask CEM or send an inquiry? Or do you mean by no response - "there is no change in eCAS status and still In Process".
Hopefully, previously you did send and inform CEM that your medicals were soon to expire. You can reply or send them an email using the email address used to send your IME/Medical forms and other instructions, or if not via email, send them registered mail - informing them of expiration date of medicals. That will alert the VO.
If you have not done that, well you need to inform CEM as soon as possible by:
- sending them an email using the email address below, and put in subject line URGENT
- or sending them registered mail
- or sending a case-specific inquiry
See below:
General: manila-im-enquiry@international.gc.ca
Case specific: https://dmp-portal.cic.gc.ca/enquiries-renseignements/case-cas-eng.aspx?mission=manila