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  1. S

    Who should take the IELTS for immigration? Principal only? Or dependents also?

    I am applying under the Family Support Stream as an immigrant. I heard that you have to take the IELTS test as one of the requirements. My question is, is the principal applicant the only person who should take the IELTS test when applyinf under the Family Support Stream? What about the...
  2. S

    prepare for speaking

    well, you have to watch and listen to lots and lots of english--movies, podcasts, news, tv shows, native-speakers' conversations. that way, you will adapt their accent and vocabulary, and it will help you how to speak fluently and confidently. also, find a conversation buddy.
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    CIC contacting the employer to verify work experience

    What if you worked in other country/countries? Will CIC contact each and every company that you used to work for, even if that means they have to make an overseas call?
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    MPNP--Manitoba application track

    Hi guys! I'll be joining this thread. Let me just ask, do I really have to declare ALL of the home addresses where i have lived since age 18? I lived in 3 different countries, but i do not know the home address of the apartments where i lived. One of the apartment where i lived, i only stayed...
  5. S

    Declaring your home address since age 18...when i don't have info about it. HELP

    Hello guys. i am new here. this is my very first post. I am planning to apply for Canadian immigration (MANITOBA) via the Family Support Stream. My question is, do I really have to give them ALL of the home addresses where I lived since 18 years old? Is it really necessary, or can I just skip...