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Search results

  1. S

    Single mom with full custody of my son but his dad refused to sign the passport application form

    Hi there: I am a single mom with a 10-years old son. I have the full custody of my son (court order). Recently I've been preparing for applying the first Canadian passport for my son. On the application form, there are some information needed to be filled and signed by his dad. However, I tried...
  2. S

    What are child's personal identification? Can I use PR card again?

    Hello, I need help for my son's application for citizenship. IRCC asked for two pieces of the child's identification in the #5 of the checklist, and one must has photo of it. My problem is that my son only has PR card and passport that have his photo on it. Health insurance card in AB has no...
  3. S

    Please help---Should I pay RPRF for my son who is the principal applicant

    Hello I sponsored my son to be a PR in Canada, and I paid 75+75 already. Now I received an email that is addressed to him that requested for passport, as well as checking whether RPRF is already paid. I read the fee schedules very carefully but still confused. I only sponsored my son and he is...