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  1. Z

    PR Card Photo Resubmission 2022 Timeline

    I was asked to resubmit my photo as well. Any suggestions where in Toronto would be a good place to take a pr card photo? Thanks.
  2. Z

    Documents to carry during first time PR landing

    Hi, I was wondering what documents do I need to carry when landing in Canada for the first time? The official website just mentions passport, COPR and proof of funds along with the goods list. Do I need to carry the original education certificates, birth certificate and so on? Or can I just...
  3. Z

    We are reviewing the additional documents you provided.

    If the status changes to 'we are reviewing the additional documents you provided', does it mean that the other documents submitted initially have been verified / passed already?
  4. Z

    Software Testing / QA - NOC 2171 or 2173 or 2283 ?

    I'm facing the same issue. Job duties for the three NOC codes are very similar. I've been QA Engineer in Software Dept. for 6 years and I've chosen NOC 2173. But I'm worried it is not correct. Any input from others? What NOC code have you chosen and were you approved?