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Will Justice Barnes Certify Class Action?


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Dear forum members,

Why do you think Justice Barnes should certify class action and not case manage?

Please brainstorm.


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It is said that Justice Barnes prefers case managing of litigants' files than certifying class action. This being so, why is Justice Barnes asked to certify class action?


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What is the difference between Class Action and Individual Lawsuit?

This is what http://law.freeadvice.com has to say.

Class action lawsuits are lawsuits brought by one or a few people on behalf of a larger group of individuals that have been harmed in some way by the persons or entities being sued. There are benefits to filing or joining a class action lawsuit, and there are also circumstances in which a class action may not be as appropriate as filing a private lawsuit.

Class Action Benefits
Class actions can be very useful in the right kind of cases. For example, if a large corporation like a bank is charging illegal fees of $50 to $100 to millions of people, an individual action for $100 won't have much effect on this practice, but a class action for $200 million will get the bank's attention. An individual doesn't have much chance proving that a charge is illegal against a bank, and it wouldn't be worthwhile to hire a lawyer for so small an amount. In a class action the attorneys can get a large enough fee to make it worthwhile to prove the fee is illegal, get some recovery for millions of people, and stop the illegal practice. A class action also creates a big enough risk for the defendant that the defendant usually offers to settle the case.

Class actions are a good thing for courts too. If every individual who had been injured in a class action filed a separate private lawsuit, such a large number of actions would clog up court schedules causing difficulty for the courts and for everyone trying to get hearing or trial dates. Class actions extend the statutes of limitations in some cases (the time your state allows you to file a lawsuit). In situations where there is a limited amount of money or assets for a recovery, a class action ensures that the recovery is divided evenly among the class of all people injured. If a number of individual actions are filed in this situation, the first plaintiffs to receive a judgment could take all the assets and leave later plaintiffs with nothing, even though they had been equally injured. A class action also gives consistent relief to all plaintiffs, while in private actions the defendant could win against one plaintiff and lose against another.

Class Actions, Private Lawsuits and Settlements
Most class action lawsuits settle, but the time it takes to settle them varies widely, just as it does in private lawsuits. Both class actions and private lawsuits may settle quickly or drag on for years. If your claim is small, you may have a better chance of getting a settlement in a class action where the total amount is large enough to worry the defendant. If your particular injury is easier to prove than the injury to a class of people, you may be able to settle a private lawsuit long before the class action is resolved. It all depends on the case.

The Downside
There is a downside to class action lawsuits too. Members of the class have no control over how the class action suit is handled or what settlement is reached, and members of the class might be included in the class even if they received no notice of the action. If you have suffered a significant injury that may be different from the injury others have suffered or if you have lost a lot of money, it may be better for you to file a private action so you can exercise more control over your own case. You should consult a qualified class action attorney to discuss a case any time you have a serious interest in a class action lawsuit.

Class Action Abuses
There has been a great deal of criticism in recent years about cases where Lead Plaintiffs and attorneys have worked out settlements that pay the attorneys millions, but the class members end up with a coupon, like a coupon for a box of breakfast cereal or for video rentals. In such cases the individual class members have usually not been seriously injured in the first place, and the case may not have been appropriate as a class action. In other cases, like those involving defective products, a settlement that allows the defendant to give coupons for replacement products might be inadequate, since the class members might not want a product from a company already shown to produce defective products.

In the cases where abuses have occurred, not only have the class attorneys and the Lead Plaintiffs failed to represent the interests of the class but the courts have also failed to exercise discretion in ensuring a fair outcome. Many critics believe that this happened because some class attorneys were engaging in “forum shopping,” looking for state courts that would allow questionable settlements so they could file their class action suit there and get what they want. As a result, Congress passed the Class Action Fairness Act of 2005, which makes it much easier for defendants to remove class actions from state courts to federal courts. This law should prevent class action attorneys from forum shopping and ensure a more consistent outcome in the federal courts.


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These are the FAQs on Class Action that can be found at http://class-actions.lawyers.com.

Q: How will a judgment in a class action affect me?
A: If you're a member of the class you'll be bound by the judgment in the lawsuit unless you opt out of the case. In general all absent class members must abide by the terms of the judgment or settlement of the lawsuit. If the lawsuit is one to obtain a money judgment from the defendant, you will receive notice of the proceedings and be given the chance to opt out of them. By opting out, you will not be bound by the result in the case. Of course you will not be able to share in any recovery from the defendant the case produces. You will however be allowed to sue the defendant individually on your claim. If the lawsuit seeks not a common fund recovery of money but instead a declaration of the parties' rights or an order that the defendant stop doing something or do something, you may not opt out of the case.

Q: How do I become part of a class action?
A: In most cases, if you are described by the class, you become part of it automatically. You do not have to do anything to join the class. You will be bound by the result of the lawsuit and participate in any common fund of money the lawsuit produces for its members.

If you are described by the class, you can opt out of the lawsuit if you want to sue the defendant individually. If you opt out you will not be bound by the result of the lawsuit. Of course you also will not share in the judgment. Rarely will a class action be started on an opt in basis. If so you will have to file a claim form or request to join in the lawsuit.

Usually the notice of the lawsuit will inform class members what action, if any, they must take to participate. Class members may ask to intervene in the case as class representative or named party. This would be the case where the person wants to have some say in how the case is litigated.

Q: What types of cases are sutiable for class actions?
A: Four factors determine if a class action is appropriate. First, and most obvious, there must be so many similar claims that it's more practical for them to be resolved in one lawsuit instead of several. This is called numerosity.

Second, the claims must be similar. They must share common factual disputes and/or common questions of law so that they can all be resolved in the same lawsuit. This is call commonality.

Third, the persons named as class representatives or named plaintiffs must have claims that are typical of the class. This is called typicality. The claims need not be identical, but merely representative of the average class claim.

Finally, the persons named as class representatives or named plaintiffs must be capable of adequately representing the class. This is called adequacy. Adequacy means representing fairly the claims of all class members, and not using the lawsuit to reap its benefits at the expense of other class members.

A typical class action might involve a defective drug with harmful side affects. It could be taken by thousands of people, satisfying the numerosity factor. The side effects may have caused liver damage or heart disease in these people. That's a common factual claim. And the drug maker should have known of the side effects and warned of them. That's a common legal question. If the class representatives have claims like this, and are up to the task of representing the class, the typicity and adequacy factors are satisfied. This is a good class and the case can proceed as a class action.

Q: How do I decide whether to remain in the class or opt out and file my own lawsuit?
A: The decision usually rests on two factors: the size of your claim and your willingness to litigate it yourself. If you've been harmed only to a small extent it will usually make sense to join with others and litigate the claim as a class action. So if your bank has illegally charged you overdraft fees in $35 sums you will want to join the perhaps thousands of other customers it has done this to in a class action. On the other hand if you've suffered serious injury as a result of a defective braking system in your automobile, you may want to litigate this separately even though the braking system defect affects thousands of cars. You must be willing to endure the hassle of trial though. These are general guidelines, and your decision should be made in consultation with a lawyer.

Q: How do I know if a settlement is unfair, or the representation improper?
A: Class actions sometimes are criticized as an abuse of the legal system. In some cases this may be true. On balance though class actions are an effcient way of resolving large numbers of claims. Often a class action is the only way to hold a large corporation responsible for illegal behavior that affects many people in real but relatively slight ways.

Cases in which courts have found an abuse of the system or improper or inadeqaute legal representation share one or more common traits. Here are some red flags to look for:
Coupon Settlements. Providers of consumer products and services like to settle class actions by offering coupons to plaintiffs. The plaintiffs attorneys' get real money for their fees though, not coupons. Since 2005 federal law has limited the basis of attorneys' fees to the value of the coupons actually redeemed. Coupon settlements must be carefully examined. If the complaint was that the defendant's products were defective, how good is it to receive a coupon for more of the same?
Intangible Benefits. If plaintiffs claimed to have suffered money damages because of the defendant's product or actions, settlements for something other than money should be scrutinized. If a manufacturer's car accelerates unintentionally, but all the settlement provides for is an inspection of the vehicles, is that worthwhile? The owners still have an unsafe car whose resale value is badly affected. It's questionable the lawyers should be paid a percentage of the value of this intangible benefit. At least the benefit should be valued appropriately. On the other hand if the lawyers are successful in getting the defendants to discontinue some harmful activity, that benefit could be quite valuable. A fee based on this might not be objectionable.
Broad Releases of Unrelated Conduct. If a class action claims the defendant engaged in a specific illegal behavior, and the settlement contains a release for every conceivable other behavior, this should ring a bell. It's possible that the defendant has committed some other illegal act in its dealings with the plaintiffs, but the plaintiffs' lawyers did not consider this or failed to recognize it.
Insufficient Investigation of the Case. The failure to identify other harm caused by the defendant, as in the preceding example, could be due to the failure to fully explore the case through discovery. Some class actions may settle very quickly if the defendant has good reason to do so, or simply wants to put the litigation and reputation risk behind it. The belief this might happen could cause plaintiffs' attorneys to fail to explore the case fully. It pays to see the actual work put into the case when evaluating the fee, even if it's based on the percentage-of-funds method.
Gentlemen's Agreements. If the settlement appears large on its face, and the defendant has agreed not to object to it (called a "clear sailing" agreement), plaintiffs or some class members should inquire into the reasonableness of the fee.

Fees in class actions must be approved by the court. When red flags like these are present, plaintiffs or class members should consider filing an objection to the fee application. Although these red flags don't always signal trouble, raising the issue and clearing the air should reconcile everyone to the appropriateness of the fee.

Q: What is a class action?
A: A class action is a lawsuit filed on behalf of a class of people with similar claims against a defendant. The action is filed by one or a few class representatives or named plaintiffs. When the action is filed the court will determine whether it is appropriate to proceed as a class action. Four factors go into this determination. These are called:
Numerosity - whether there are enough claims to use the class action form
Commonality - whether the claims are sufficiently alike to use the class action form
Typicity - whether the class representatives' claims are typical of all claims
Adequacy - whether the representatives are up to the task of representing the class fairly and well

Sometimes the class can be a group of defendants who are said to have done something wrong. This is very rare in comparison to a class of plaintiffs.

A typical class action involves hundreds or thousands of people who have been injured by a defective product. Class actions may be filed against a drug maker if the drug turns out to have bad side effects that injure a number of people. Banks can be sued in a class action if they improperly charged overdraft fees to hundreds or thousands of clients. Many class actions have in common claims that are relatively small on average. The small claim size makes the claim not cost-effective to file a lawsuit on an individual basis. If hundreds or thousands of these claims are put together in one lawsuit though, all of the claimants can get some relief, and it can be done very efficiently.

Class actions follow most of the same rules as individual lawsuits. In addition they have their own rules, mostly related to the special procedures adopted for the class action form. Perhaps the most important rules relate to certifying the class and deciding whether the class action is the appropriate means for resolving the claims. Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23 governs this in federal courts. Information about this rule and class actions can be found at the Federal Judiciary Homepage.

Q: What kinds of relief may a court give in a class action?
A: A court can give the same or similar relief in class actions as in individual lawsuits. Most class actions seek an award of money damages. These are known as common fund cases because they seek a common money fund for the benefit of the class. In some cases where the potential claims are too numerous or too large for the defendant to pay in full, a class action is brought to obtain the largest payment to be split fairly among the class. These are called limited fund class actions. A class action may be filed asking the court to declare the rights and obligations of the class versus the defendant. This is a declaratory judgment class action. Not infrequently a class action seeks what's called injunctive relief. In those cases if the class wins the court will order the defendant to stop doing some harmful act or to do some positive act required by law. This can be something like getting a company to stop polluting the groundwater, or getting a fire department to stop some racially discriminatory practice against its fire fighters.

Q: How are the lawyers for the class paid?
A: Class action lawyers usually are paid from the fund recovered from the class. Increasingly they are paid a percentage of the money they recover. This percentage may vary but it can be from 25 percent to 33 percent of the fund. The fees may also be based on the amount of time the lawyers spent on the case and the quality of the result they obtained. This is called the lodestar method of calculating attorneys' fees.

Sometimes lawyers are paid not from the fund received for the class but by the defendant. There must be what's called a fee-shifting statute for this to happen. It is normally the case in American justice that each party pays its own legal fees. Some laws however make the defendant pay the plaintiff's fees if the defendant has broken the law. Example of such laws include some consumer protection statutes and labor and employment laws.


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04 Jun 2005
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Submitted in Jul 2005
These are the advantages and disadvantages of class action lawsuits that can be found at http://resources.lawinfo.com.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Class Action Lawsuits
Class action lawsuits allow a class of plaintiffs to sue a defendant for injuries caused by common actions or inactions. As in any important litigation decision, there are advantages and disadvantages to class action lawsuits. It is important for potential class members to understand those advantages and disadvantages so that they can best protect their rights.

Common Advantages of Class Action Lawsuits
Some of the common advantages of class action lawsuits include:
· Lower litigation costs. Litigation costs will be divided among class members. Thus, the very number of class members in the plaintiff group can provide a shared expense benefit to each individual class member;
· The opportunity for plaintiffs to seek relief for small amounts of money. The lower litigation costs will allow plaintiffs to seek relief who would not have found it financially prudent to do so in a traditional lawsuit;
· Greater judicial efficiency. A class action lawsuit is decided by one judge in one court. Thus, the litigation will take up less cumulative court time and involve fewer judges.
· Greater uniformity of recoveries among similar plaintiffs. Since only one decision by one judge, or one settlement, will be made, plaintiffs' recoveries should be consistent.
· Greater uniformity for defendants. The one decision or one settlement benefit also creates greater certainty for defendants. A defendant and others in situations similar to the defendant's situation are not left wondering about how to follow the law because only one decision was issued.
· The opportunity for all plaintiffs to receive damages. If a defendant is facing multiple lawsuits then the defendant may not have the ability to pay all of the plaintiffs. That means that earlier filing plaintiffs generally receive greater compensation for similar injuries than do later filing plaintiffs. A class action lawsuit erases this risk and allows injured parties to recover damages at the same time and in proportion to their injuries.

Common Disadvantages of Class Action Lawsuits
Some of the common disadvantages of class action lawsuits include:
Lack of decision making control. Class action lawsuits are, by definition, representative rather than group litigation. That means that representatives of the affected class make the important litigation decisions – including when to settle. A plaintiff who is not a representative does not have a say in whether to settle or continue to litigation.
Cases almost always settle for financial compensation, coupons for future services or rebates only. If a plaintiff is seeking other types of compensation than this can be problematic.
If the plaintiff's attorney does not argue effectively or the class representatives do not have strong claims then the legitimate claims of other class members can be hurt. If the class is unsuccessful in their lawsuit then individual class members likely do not have the right to bring individual lawsuits at a later date.

It can be difficult to decide whether or not to take part in a class action case. The advantages and disadvantages discussed above should be carefully considered by each class member prior to joining a class action lawsuit so that a class member has a realistic idea of the possible good and bad outcomes of joining a class action lawsuit.