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WES or IQAS verification for Canada

Tanay Gala

Aug 16, 2020

My wife and me have completed MMS in Finance from Mumbai University, however for ECA we have 2 approach
  1. WES Eca, which considers our masters as Post graduation diploma.
  2. IQAS Eca, which considers our masters equivalent to canada masters
  3. As E-transcript are sent to WES electronically, does it happen same with IQAS, and if not how can we sent.
Can someone let us know which one is better to choose from ? Is IQAS valid in all provinces, we are looking for Toronto/Montreal
Kindly help us with it, Thanks in advance.


Sep 17, 2020
If you check the IQAS website they are Accepted everywhere in Canada. So IQAS is better.

Do you know how to get E-Transcript? I have a doubt:
Do we need to take TRANSCRIPT from College and upload it on University of Mumbai website or Consolidated Marksheet is enough?