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Waiting ITA between 350 and 450 crs score in express entry


Hero Member
Jun 12, 2015
Job Offer........
Hello everyone,

I am an international student ( from centennial college - Toronto) currently on post graduate work permit presently working full time since 2 year (november 2013) and my crs score is 429. I have been been waiting to get my ITA since a year but there are no signs of points going below 450 , so in order to tell immigration minister and government our problem and ask them to make specific changes in point allotment of Temporary residence (give us extra points for staying here and contributing to Canadian economy by paying hefty tution fees and taxes ) i have started an petition, i cannot bring any change all alone i really need support from all of you so that we can ask for change. I work in Markham my work place is literally 3 minutes drive from the office of citizenship and immigration minister, i have been to his office couple of times but i could not get hold of him as he is busy in bring 25,000 refugees by the end of year , so there is no one who cares about international students. i was told email him with my concerns regarding express entry for CEC i.e international students.

so all i want from everyone who is between 350 and 450 crs points to email just saying CEC and i will tell you what can we all together to make a change and get our well deserving ITA as soon as possible. We have to take our voice to people who matters there is no points in doing discussion here anymore.
my email address is honey_austin@hotmail.com

or reply with your email i will contact you myself

Thank you