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Visa Processing Delays


Oct 22, 2021
Hi everyone, I was hoping that someone could help me with the problem that I have right now.

I have already applied for my study permit visa through the VFS portal on 8th November 2021. Now, I know that the processing is taking a much longer time due to COVID. But my classes start on 10th January 2021. By the looks of things, I don't think that I will get my student Visa by that time.

My question is that is there anything I can do at this point to hurry the process up in any way? I'm kinda stressed out because I will need some time in my hand to open a student bank account because Banks in Bangladesh will not let me open a student portal without a visa stamp on my passport apparently.

If ya'll could guide me as to what I can do to quicken my visa processing I would be very grateful?


Dec 15, 2021
Why is my visa being delayed?

Delays are usually caused by additional security and background clearances due to your citizenship, ties to specific countries, or field of study. These additional clearance checks may take several weeks to several months to process. There is no way to circumvent or expedite this process.