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VIsa Application Inquiry Please Help Me


Star Member
Mar 11, 2013
Hi Everyone,

I have questions here I hope someone could answer me because I dont know what to do
Here it is.

1. I am currently employed here in Oman (we dont have embassy or consulate here so maybe I have to apply in Dubai) my contract will end on October 26 2013 and my current employer has my passport and they will not give me my passport and my certificate of employment in my current job until my end of contract or if I quit.Is there a way that I can apply for visa by passing my scanned copy of my passport FIRST then if I assure of obtaining a visa I will then send my original passport and my certificate of employment?I dont want to quit my job unless Im sure about me getting the visa.

2.Is there an Interview?(my job is food counter attendant) Is it possible they would give an interview via internet like skype because my bosses cousin makes his interview in Australian embassy via skype .What I want to happened is I will go to Dubai (canadian embassy) IF
*My contract has ended
*I pass and approved to get visa

3. How can I apply for a visit visa in Dubai? How long can I stay there I have a cousin lived there because He works there would it help with my accomodation?How much will it cost me visa and ticket?

Thank you. I hope someone could help me answer these questions because I really dont know what to do.I dont want to lose my current job if I am not end of contract or to quit if I sure get Visa.Thank you have a great day..