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Underage drinking in the USA


Full Member
Nov 3, 2019
Hi all, I am in a fix. I have an underage drinking citation from my time in the USA when I was 19 years old. That was 10 years ago. I just had to pay a fine, spend a night in detox, and it got settled as a petty misdemeanor (non-criminal offence). My FBI police certificate had come back clean. In the question where it asks have you ever been arrested / convicted, I did not mention this one but I did mention another offence that I had committed from my time in the UK (a caution for harassment).

After reading some posts here, I think I need to raise a CSE ASAP and mention to the Immigration authority about my US citation too for underage consumption. I got my state-level police certificate but it is clean too and doesn't mention the cituation. Perhaps again because this is not a criminal offense. Anyway my concern is that I don't have any documentation of this...I have no court documents or anything related to this. I checked online on Minnesota case gov but can't find any court records.

Should I just raise the CSE explain my situation and say that I don't have access anymore? I don't know what to do..Please guide me...