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U.S green card holder and citizen family going to Canada...


Oct 7, 2008
Hi Guys,
I'm here because I can't find all the answers from the Canadian Embassy page, so I'm hoping someone here can help.

First, the situation deals with my sister and her family (husband and son). My sister and her son are U.S citizens and her husband holds a greencard. They've been overseas for a couple of years but now wish to return, but to Canada. They're in Pakistan currently, where everything is unstable, to the point where we now fear for their safety.

Anyway, we know that they should not have any problems going to Canada as U.S. citizens, but how long can they stay there? What if they would like to live there for a few years? At what point can they apply for citizenship (I believe after two years..?) What if they would like to have jobs and send their son to school there? What's the best route for their family to take? If they're required to "leave" Canada after 6 months, what defines "leaving"? A 2 week period? 6 months? A Year? Could they 'leave' for 2 months and come right back?

Sorry about the 1001 questions, but this issue is brewing and we need help asap. TIA.


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Jun 13, 2008
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Why don't they just return to the US? Then can come to Canada, no problem but as tourists. They can not work. They can probably not enroll their son in school. They have no claim to health care. After 6 months, they have to leave for 6 months. Even if they apply for visitor visa extension, they will never have the right to apply for citizenship or permanent residency by staying as tourists.

What they can do is come to Canada, look around for jobs, try to get a temporary work permit. If one of them gets a skilled type job and work permit, the spouse can get an open work permit. They would have to leave Canada to get the work permit issued, just to the US is enough. Through temporary work permit, they can apply for residency through a provincial nominee program or after 2 years of work through Canadian experience class. They would need to live in Canada after getting permanent residency for 2-3 years before they can apply for citizenship.