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TRV rejected twice.


Jun 6, 2013
My wife is expecting baby on Sept 1, 2013. I applied for my wife's sister through online application. Both time rejected. My wife's sister living in Pakistan with her father and brother. Her mother passed away in 2010 and father is spending retired life. She got married but her husband is living in Saudi Arabia. We attached her husband letter, bankstatement, and his living status document. I attached my job letter, bank statement, invitation letter, doctors invition letter nortrized by lawyer. My sister in law has not travel history. I am alone here my son goes to school I do full time job. I need really someone who can take care of my wife.

Both time they rejected families ties in your country(Pakistan) is weak plus no travel history.

Is there any possibility I could apply 3 time. I don't know what I am missing .


VIP Member
Nov 11, 2008
Job Offer........
Family ties is weak mainly because the husband works outside Pakistan and does not lives with your sis-in-law.

Could you sis-in-law apply for a tourist visa (that is without your invitation letter and her husband's letter) instead?


Champion Member
Nov 16, 2012
pl note, any rejection third time - will trigger an entry among all other embassies and makes it visible to know a visa was rejected so if you do decide to apply for trv -have a good representation with valid and strong ties and genuine reason - then appy

some papers to add - list may vary - here are few :

applicant's job bonded letter with high paying proof
applicants committment like lease to house etc
applicants enrolment to competitive exams

hope this helps


Full Member
Mar 7, 2013
hi there can someone help me in filling third time TRV my wife is working in Montreal for 1 and 1l2 year as post doctreal fellow recently we got married and we applied for TRV for 1 month we got rejected again second time we reapply after 1 week its got again rejected every time same answer
1 family tei up Canada and India
2 travel history.
3 asset and income not satisfied

after showing my assets and income my wife workepermit and all thing than also rejected we are planning to apply third time we are waiting for report to come as we applied to see what is the main reason it will come in 45 days please tell us whats the best way to get visa as my wife in canada and iam in india...and what are the document we will show....

as i stayed 6 years in dubai so sis it will effect my visa or we applied through canada may be that problem as per our canada representative also shock rejection is not possible in our case

please suggest the best way to apply this time



Champion Member
Nov 16, 2012
order gcms notes and let me know.

dont apply without understanding the reasons - those 3 reasons are in general , gcms will have in detail

BTW - wt docs did u attach for TRV - can you write it down here in list form


Full Member
Mar 7, 2013
hi friend with TRV i submitted document

on my all passport travelling stamps .(7 year dubai working history)
my bank statement of 6 month.
my company NOC letter.
my leave letter.
salary slip
covering letter.
chartered accountant valuation letter for property and assets .
both way tickets.
my father eyes operation in august that medical letter from surgeon .

my wife document

6 month bank statement.
work permit.
letter from institute.
salary slip.
house rent slip.
marriage certificate.
marriage photos .
invition letter.

one more thing my wife hire representative from Montreal representative is doing all work for us she wrote invition letter from India as she is in India for marriage as per representatives our case is very strong as we mention in invition letter that im coming for honeymoon thats all after 1 month im going back to india as my wife work also finishing in November she is also coming back to India permanently .....

what we will do tell us plz


Champion Member
Nov 16, 2012
2 REASONS my friend :

one they doubt your intention as you guys are newly married
wife is currently not in Canada while TRV was applied - most of the times I have seen rejection due to this

your docs looks great - just add few if feasible :

lease agreement of a house -
vehicle or any house loan letter -
bonded letter from company of employment in home country

& most imporantly letter of oath and legal sponsorship


Full Member
Mar 7, 2013
Dear Friend
really thanks for giving us great advice but the problem is my house is father name and i dnt have loan and bond letter from employer its mention in the contract letter that i cant leave the company before contract finished ....if i will leave i have to pay certain amount ...

so what i can do tell me please as i have shown chartered account report also in that my vehicles, cash , gold everything shown what else they need they need original paper of valuation i send my itinerary also my expenses also how much i will spend and how much in my hand after returning to India...
in my previous scrap i mention all the document which i submitted y they are not happy with my travel history

first time rejection they given point

1 travel history
2 your family ties and in your country of residence
3 your current employment situation
4 your personal asset and financial status
5 iam not satisfied that u have sufficient fund including income or assets to carry out your stated purpose in going to Canada or to maintain yourself while in Canada and to effect your departure.

2nd time i apply than again rejected
1 travel history
2 your family ties and in your country of residence
3 iam not satisfied that u have sufficient fund including income or assets to carry out your stated purpose in going to Canada or to maintain yourself while in Canada and to effect your departure.

now they mention this three point i shown cash almost dollar including my wife and mine 17000 dollar
and assets of 2800000 dollar in that my vehicle my wife name land my bike my father account bal ..our joint account in India mine and my wife .her income tax paper from there everything... doctor certificate that my doctor having eye operation on august my ticket also got waste i shown return ticket than also i dnt what this govt want only for tourist visa im getting scared 3rd if they reject than i will apply for other country visa than may be i will face problem ...

i send already detail report of visa rejection it will come in 45 days .....

please give more idea to submit again correct way visa if i done anything wrong ......we are taking help of Canadian representative last time also he is the one who file i mention all detail remaining in my previous link .....
please tell me the right way to get visa for 1 month

thanking you


Champion Member
Nov 16, 2012
points i stated are proven ties to home country, well u have to find a way to arrange these

as an example if u dont have a loan, take a loan likewise create ties

hope u understand wt i meant , i dont suggest wasting money through a lawyer

unless u show enough ties - nothing more can work out

enrol urself to some competive exam, good college or if working, create a bond letter
have a property signing or registratin aggreeemtn shown - etc. like wise u must set up ties

take oath from lawyer and attest and if need be show ur intention is genuine

showing too much of assets is negative and causes rejection


Full Member
Mar 7, 2013
Dear friend

i got CIAPS /GCMS report but still its very confusing they send information on base of first time iappiled TRV...2nd time i applied they didnt mention the deatil for TRV so how i can judge what is the problem iam attaching with this information regarding what they send to me please reply me so i can apply again 3rd time

travels are limited to UAE where he worked , saving are limited from PA and host , recently large amount in bank statement in PA account , no kids -young , highly mobile ,recently married ,first met spouse is doing POST DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP ,iam not satisfied that applicant would be able to achieve financially sustainability nor am i satisfied that the applicant would return after authorized period of stay . Application refused .

previous : travel SE ASIA other country traveled ,UAE VALID VISA : ,NONE , previous refusal :NONE purpose in Canada : purpose of travel : family travel in Canada : spouse traveling with (not associated to the application ) : spouse financial information :total personal saving 8500 CAD invitor information

this all mention in the report really im confuse they metion both the visa rejection or first visa rejection and what we can do to get visa

thanking u


VIP Member
Nov 11, 2008
Job Offer........
kartickstar said:
travels are limited to UAE where he worked , saving are limited from PA and host , recently large amount in bank statement in PA account , no kids -young , highly mobile ,recently married ,first met spouse is doing POST DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP ,iam not satisfied that applicant would be able to achieve financially sustainability nor am i satisfied that the applicant would return after authorized period of stay . Application refused .

previous : travel SE ASIA other country traveled ,UAE VALID VISA : ,NONE , previous refusal :NONE purpose in Canada : purpose of travel : family travel in Canada : spouse traveling with (not associated to the application ) : spouse financial information :total personal saving 8500 CAD invitor information
1) Are there any destination, say in SE Asia, you would want to visit? If so, visit it before your 3rd attempt to apply for Canadian visa. This would help your travel history
2) How much money did you and your host show? How long was the intended trip?


Full Member
Mar 7, 2013
hi dear

i dnt have any destination to go in se asia
my wife shown 6000 cad
i shown 11000 cad so what i will do now


VIP Member
May 4, 2012
Visa Office......
App. Filed.......
kartickstar said:
travels are limited to UAE where he worked , saving are limited from PA and host , recently large amount in bank statement in PA account , no kids -young , highly mobile ,recently married ,first met spouse is doing POST DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP ,iam not satisfied that applicant would be able to achieve financially sustainability nor am i satisfied that the applicant would return after authorized period of stay . Application refused
So basically the officer is saying that your wife in Canada is a stronger tie than anything in your home country, like job, property, family etc.

And it sounds like the officer believes that someone else has recently deposited a sum of money into your account solely for the purposes of the visa and that it probably isn't your money, hence the limited finances comments.

Honestly, you could apply again but unless you can show quite a lot more new evidence, your chances of approval are very low.


Full Member
Mar 7, 2013
i never been to south east asia country and i dnt have visa also how they can mention in this report and i have UAE visa which is going to finished 2014 but i let UAE in 2012 feb that almost 1 and 1/2 year that mean visa already expire if u will not go country within 6 month its wil get automatically cancel and when i left my job my visa co.. has canceled already .....

and one more thing my representaive put my home address ( canada) wrong 2nd time we correct and send it i dnt they have seeen or not what are the point they mention i already i mention on up...

please tell me the right way what i can do better to get the visa if u see whole summary from starting u will get better idea we have some indian festival in august which is very important without me she cant do ...

what we draft letter cover letter what i will right how much fund we will show .....

and our reprsentative is not reay except his done the mistake and he is telling its very silly thing visa will not get reject due to this

please tell what we will do and how we will get visa

