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topaz ................what kind of country is NZ??


Hero Member
Aug 19, 2009
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Rabb Rabb karo
pls tell me .......my mind is striking at NZ now......i cant bear any pain more.


Star Member
Jan 23, 2009
hi..as far as I know, migrating to NZ is not easy provided you have a job already. or you need to be a OZ Resident.


Feb 13, 2009
Bhai Saab,

NZ is a beautiful country. Though the country is small compared to other countries, the 2 islands are quite big and the population is spread out. Most of the population is concentrated in big cities like Auckland, Christchurch and Wellington. Places like Dunedin is good if you are going to college. Auckland is the economic capital of NZ.

There are about 110,000 indians living in this country. Job situation is good only if you are highly qualified i.e. in IT, all other jobs are quite mundane and you have to compete with locals and other immigrants. Due to recession, kiwis who had moved overseas looking for a better life have started moving back and the companies prefer to give them more preference over immigrants.

I will not advise you on your decision, but if i were you, i would look for better opportunies elsewhere where immigrants have been there longer and there are better opportunities.

NZ is good for a nice vacation.

Good luck


Full Member
Feb 19, 2009
Gsidhu, my humble opinion

Hi Gsidhu

New Zealand is gorgeous. Bhai Saab wrote a great piece on NZ. I have worked with a lot of NZealanders over the years hence I know a little about NZ. I am in no way an expert on NZ.

The New Zealanders did say that the job situation is ok, but wages are lower than what they can get elsewhere. The majority of them go off to Australia, UK & Asia to look for higher paying jobs. The only area where you can possibly make a lot of money from is the Tourism industry. Competition is high though.

You will find a lot of older New Zealanders and British immigrants (retirees) in Christchurch & Geraldine (south NZ). I noted more Koreans & Indians in Auckland than anywhere else in NZ. A lot of the "kiwiana" souvenir shops (Shops selling all sorts of NZ souvenirs) are run mostly by koreans.

As for me, the only way to survive in NZ or Canada for that matter would be to start up my own small business. I am planning to sell asian food. I know that recession or not, people still need to eat so this is the path I am headed. Another reason why NZ appeals to me is the fact that you can get a better quality of life in terms of heading outdoors with your family, especially during the weekends. A trip from the North Island to the South Island is very cheap via commercial airlines. NZ has the most comprehensive and fun outdoor activities and they are literally at your doorstep. Every township in NZ has a lot of resources geared towards this. The weather is lovely.

In Canada, where my relatives live, they told me that they are stuck in the city and it is just too expensive to travel to the mountains. They told me to be realistic and not think that Canada is all about mountains and beauty. The issue is the price of car fuel is very high and Canada being so big, takes a lot of hours/ time to drive around in. So for their experience- they have been living in Canada for 20 years now- they said that weekends they have to stay put in Toronto. The only time they have the opportunity to go off to explore other parts of the country is for a limited time in summer. They have warned me about the bitterly cold winters, where it is just too cold to venture out to anywhere but to work and buying necessities. They warned me that I will be cooped indoors for hours at a time. Not a prospect that I am looking forward to honestly.

In my opinion, Canada is lovely for a visit but very difficult to live and work in. My own relatives are still struggling and always complaining about the taxes and the high costs of rent and food. They warned me not to get sick in Canada. My niece who contracted strep throat (a very painful throat infection) had to wait 9 hours before she got medical care. The long waiting times in hospitals are legendary. I would hate to have my child suffer just waiting in the hospital for hours to get proper medical care.

In NZ where I visited during the winter, people were out playing in the snow, doing extreme sports because the weather was very good. You can get a lot of days which are fine, sunny and clear during the winter. My daughter who had gotten ill during our trip to NZ had access to great medical care at a private clinic. I was in and out with her in less than an hour with antibiotics, the costs were reasonable. The doctor was an indian muslim who was very professional and thorough. I really have enjoyed my time in NZ and am now tempted to switch over my immigration plans to NZ. For me, that is plan B. NZ welcomes older immigrants very easily. So I will try Canada first, and if things don't work out in a year, I will be zipping to NZ. There are pros and cons in every country so it is up to us to find what is suitable for our situation.

For books on living and working in NZ, do check out the links below.




For books on living and working in Canada, do check out the links below




Good luck


Hero Member
Aug 19, 2009
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Rabb Rabb karo
Dear Topaz as u wrote each and every thing abt NZ, its ok.i have one more question
why people r so complaining...........my real brother is in canada and he is making good money there
but still he complains that nothing is here in canada and canada is shit and canada makes u cry and cnada is this ..that and blah blah.
What i think is person shud think himself and try to see the things thriu his eyes only than only u can judge the things. all the fingers are not of same length.
My lot of frnds are there in NZ and they are happy there. cost of living is cheaper as compared to canada.
he said all comes to be 150$nz/week including rent.so see the difference.
rest is upto the person who is tasting sweet and sourness of the time.


Full Member
Feb 19, 2009
Hi Gsidhu

We are in the same boat. Our relatives complain about Canada even when they have jobs. I guess they are just doing their part to prepare us for the reality. Every other week one of my relatives call to ask about the application process and then go on to talk about how hard everything is. I am very discouraged and confused by their words. It is as if on the one hand, they say come to Canada and on the other hand they are so discouraging. There is good and bad in every country you live in. Utopia does not exist on this earth. It is painful to have your hopes smashed down when you haven't even set foot in Canada yet. I have been to Canada and it is a glorious melting pot of all cultures, ethnicity and religions. I did note that everything was expensive and that money will just disappear from your wallet from all the taxes levied on groceries....and well.....just about everything else (LOL). I do know that the taxes are necessary for the betterment of the country and Canada has got great infrastructure and services.

You are correct to say that we have to see with our own eyes and try things out for ourselves. We are not them. Their experiences might not necessarily be our experiences but the thing to remember is that their biased and negative views will "infect" us if we are not careful. I think that when we go there, we will be vulnerable. We will look towards our relatives for advice,moral support and goodwill. It will be very hard to remain positive when everyone else is being discouraging.

On the other hand the fearful part of me thinks, what makes me think that I will be so lucky when my own relatives are still struggling after 20 years there? It is so easy to remain positive and upbeat when we are in the comfort of our own homes and having the security of jobs and all the familiar things. My brother who emigrated there since 2007 is still in a deep depression. He had to work at a low level factory job assembling mobile phones in Missisauga. His self confidence and outlook is shattered beyond repair. He is giving himself another year before returning home.

He told me that all his money was going towards food, rent and tax. He cannot even save enough for his child's future. He calls to tell me of long lines of unemployed people waiting to collect their Unemployment Benefits. He calls me to tell me better not emigrate to Canada because the job situation is very bad and that even if I get a job, it will be a poorly paid one. He also commented that Canadian employers are looking for canadian experience and all the job experience that you have amassed in your home country will amount to nothing over there. He at 43, after having 20 odd years of experience in his home country has now got to work as a factory worker at minimum wage.

I was so disheartened by all that he told me about Canada that I travelled to NZ to find out all that I could about the life there. People are very relaxed there in their outlook in life. After having visited NZ, I have fallen for the way of life, the weather, the people, the stunning scenery and I know my options about starting a small business in NZ.

I like to travel and decide for myself if I like a country or not. You will get a rude shock if you only rely on the internet and some books and find the situation completely different than what you read. Culture shock is a whole new issue. I was quite shocked to hear that they taught S_X education to 8 year olds in Canada. I found this out when I visited my relatives in Toronto. Maybe I am a conservative asian but I honestly think that teaching kids about detailed S_X education at 8 years old is the same as teaching them how to assemble a bomb. But that is my opinion, perhaps other people do not mind it as much and welcome that sort of early exposure.

The next 12 months will be crucial for me and my family. If my brother packs up his bags and returns home, then I know that he tried the best he could but he couldn't make it in Canada. I will at least go and land in Canada and stay there for a few months to see for myself the reality of the life and job situation there. And if things do not work out and before I can lose anymore of my savings, I will move to NZ happily. So everything is a wait and see. I suggest that if money permits, for you to visit NZ and your friends there and see for yourself the situation. Then visit Canada and your brother and assess the situation over there.

Then wisely make the best decision between the 2 countries.

Take care.