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Task 2 of ielts academic . Please assess it for me, what am I missing and where do I stand.


Sep 22, 2019
The percentage of overweight children in western countries has increased by almost 20%in the last teN years . Discuss the possible causes and effects of this building trend and offer a solution.

Over the period of past ten years, there is an increase of 20% among the children being overweight in the western countries. It is important for every Individual to maintain the ideal weight as required by their body. In today’s time overweight is becoming an alarming issue which needs to be controlled not only in western societies but also in Indian societies.

The main causes of overweighted children are technology and eating habits.
Firstly, our dependence over technology has increased and it will be more with the passage of time. These days every child is having a smart phone whether it’s a need or a luxurious reason. Instead of making an effort one can possibly do most of the work from the smart phone. For instance even the payments can be made without the usage of hard money by using apps such as phone pay or ptm.
Secondly, the food habits amongst children is a reason for an unhealthy body. It has become a trend to go out for dinners or birthday parties or casual hangout’s. The massive amount of junk being consumed at this young age is the major reason for being overweight.The demand of unhealthy food is visible through the cafes or restaurants developed in the cities.

The effects of this changed lifestyle are not positive for a human being especially,children. In the period when the body is growing there is a consumption of food which has no nutritious value. Furthermore, there is a reduction in movement because of technology. Hence, firstly, children are suffering from inactive body, laziness is taking over them, they are reluctant to do physical activities.
Secondly, isolation is a major problem arising. The children are not happy meeting people, they are comfortable in their own space. At last, all these effects somewhere affecting each other results in depression at a very young age. As an example we can see from the recent study pointing out obesity a major problem being faced by the people in this era.

Considering the causes and the effects, I would like to suggest that there has to be a control on the habits of children. There should be no canteen in the school, the cheat days for children should be fixed, exposure to technology should be minimal to the possible level and exercise any form should be a daily compulsion in their lifestyle.