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student visa refused should i give up


Full Member
Sep 23, 2016
Hi,i was recently refused in a student visa, i just completed 30 years old, and only got high school, this is kind my last chance to get a advanced diploma and pursue a degree after that, my visa was refused for 3 reasons
Insufficient funds for tuition, i only payed 6 months, now i payed for the full first year

employment status, financial status and financial assets

i dint sent then any on my personal financial history since i'm not a tax payer because my wage is above the 28.000
i also got a very important sponsor that's win about 15k cad monthly and is a attorney retired of my state here in Brazil
i also i'm showing 35k cad funds betwen my account and my sponsor's one

should i try one or i'm just to old to pursue a advanced diploma, or should i try with a degree
i'm very sad and also very confused, i hired a agency and they keep telling that i'm old and i should have a diploma by now etc etc
i'm almost giving up.


Hero Member
Jan 26, 2016
U're never too old to pursue ur dreams
Just justify it by satisfying all their
Doubt and write a strong SOP
And u will be fine
Or better still apply for ATIP note
To enable u see the main reason