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Should I ask for Visitor's record/stamp?


Feb 20, 2014
I am a US Citizen and have been dating a Canadian Citizen for nearly three years now. We visit one another regularly (each of us crossing the border 8-9 times a year). Usually these are only weekend trips but there have been a few visits which were a week in length.

We have each been through 1 nasty divorce and are thinking about marriage in our future but we are not quite there yet. When the time comes however, I believe we are going to need quite a bit of evidence that our relationship is genuine as there is a 21 year age gap between us and while our gap doesn't bother us in the slightest, being a relationship of 7+ more years difference will be a red flag to someone in CIC down the line we're pretty sure.

We have decided to start gathering our evidence now to provoke without a shadow of a doubt that we are indeed two adults in love (I am 36 and he is 57), but I was wondering about this weekend as I am traveling to Canada to visit him whether or not I should ask for a visitor's record or if this in itself would be more of a hassle for the time being. Neither one of us have ever been denied entry before, but I certainly don't want them to get suspicious now when we've both always been completely honest with them and we just want to spend time together. If anyone ever moves it will be legal and no one will be overstaying our travel dates stated upon entry. Any advice for all the many ways we can prove time spent together over the years without ruffling any feathers would be greatly appreciated! Thanks :)


Star Member
Feb 7, 2014
Job Offer........
Hello Picante,

1. Photos
2. Letters, cards, etc. (Love letters. :p)
3. Phone messages, Skype messages, Facebook messages, etc. (Please omit those messages that are too loved dovey ones. Haha!)
4. Listing each other as beneficiaries, if you have, or any other proofs of this kind.
5. Gifts (Obviously you can't give them the gifts, but show them the receipts and photographs of the gifts.)
6. Receipts of special times spent together (Anniversary, Hotel receipts, Meal receipts, anything that is significant to the relationship.)
7. Joint bank accounts if you have.
8. Helping each other financially (For example if anyone of you has a loan and either one helped paid off, or remitting money to each other when necessary, etc.)

Anything can be a piece of evidence. Just be genuine, like you know you are a pair of genuine couple. Age gap is nothing if you can prove the relationship is real, meeting each other family members is nothing if you can prove that you guys are real, and so on and so forth. Don't keep thinking that this will pull a red flag, yada yada.

You know it's real, so show them you're real. If you end up having a spousal sponsorship, worse case scenario is you will be asked to go for an interview or they will do home checks. You are from the US, so applying outland will give you a chance to appeal if denied.

Good luck!