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Reference letter has the wrong program


Jul 16, 2019
I submitted my PR application like 2 months ago, but I just noted that my manager who wrote the letter for me, wrote explicitly:
"This letter is issued in relation to <my name>> CEC Express Entry application"
Apparently he was kind of afraid that i would use the letter for different purposes, so he wrote that down. I didn't care at that moment (Although I did ask to remove that part, because it might generate some ???? to the officer reviewing, but he refused, so i said ok whatever), but a few days ago, I noted that the program under I was invited was not CEC, but rather PNP.
I also noted that for my Proof of Funds, I wrote that I was applying through CEC, hence I didn't require to submit a proof of funds. Apparently, I am still eligible to not submit POF, but not because I am CEC, but because I have already have a Job Offer, and I am already currently working.
(see https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigrate-canada/express-entry/documents/proof-funds.html)
Question is, will this be a problem? I don't want to request a new reference letter, because my manager thinks that I want to leave the company, so I think he might not be willing to sign a new letter. should I send a webform doing the corresponding corrections, but without sending new documents?


VIP Member
Mar 1, 2019
If it were me, I wouldn't worry about that sentence too much, and instead worry that the letter otherwise confirms the NOC, job duties, and similar details.
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