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Questions regarding work visa (skilled worker)


Aug 10, 2009
Right now I'm suffering from info. overload from reading the CIC website lol. If someone could please answer the following questions for me, it would be greatly appreciated !

Here's the situation ... my fiancee and his two boys (all 3 American citizens) would like to immigrate to Canada so we can be together as a family. My mother's terminally ill so moving to the US is not an option right now. He qualifies as a skilled worker (level 3 industrial electrician) but we're having trouble finding an employer who's willing to sponsor him. Mainly because we can't find the information employers are requesting about the process. He'll be here from Sept. 04/09 to Sept. 13/09 to visit and hand out resumes and hopefully grant interviews while he's here. I know he won't have a problem finding work once he's here but here's the problem....prospective employers aren't willing to wait while the paperwork gets done...they need someone asap. Here are a few questions we've come up with based on what we've been asked by prospective employers here in Northern ON.

1. What would be the requirements for an Employer to be considered a possible sponsor?
Example: Company size? Number of employees? Years of business? etc....

2. What would be the cost associated with sponsoring an immigrant worker?

3. What would be the cost associated with becoming an immigrant worker?

4. Is there a certain time frame that I must remain employed with the Sponsor Employer or is that decided by the employer?

5. What forms would need to be filled out by the sponsoring employer?

6. What forms would need to be filled out by myself?

7. How long from finding a willing sponsor till I am issued the work visa? (Approximately)

8. If I have an employer that wants to hire me, Do I have still have to fill out the application that is offered on the web site and be placed into a prospective employee pool ,so to speak?

Thanks so much in advance !