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Police Certificate for Brazilia - Distrito Federal?


Apr 30, 2012

I'm outside Brazil and I am trying to get the police certificate for Distrito Federal State. I lived in Brazilia over 6 months and according to the website Brazilia is Distrito Federal.

Is Distrito Federal Federal Police in the number one item on the list below?

1. A Certidão de Antecedentes Criminais, issued by the federal police. Consult their website at www .dpf.gov.br for instructions.
2. A Certidão de Antecedentes Criminais, issued by the state authority. Contact the state authority directly, using the local directory for assistance.
3. A Certidão de Distribuição Cíveis e Criminais, issued by the Federal Ministry of Justice. Contact the local justice department for instructions or consult

I thought this website is for that but it looks more like for number 1 - federal police.

servicos. dpf . gov. br /sinic-certidao/emitirCertidao.html

So my question is how do I obtain that? It's the number two item on the requirement list from CRA.

Thank you so much for your help!