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Newbie to PNP, targetting BC / Alberta


Feb 26, 2020
Hi all

I am in FSW / EE candidate awaiting ITA maxxed out at 467 CRS score however in 2 weeks I will reduce to 462 (birthday).

Anyways I am starting to think I may need PNP to get invited given the upwards trend in CRS. I have some questions about how PNP typically works.
I am a 32 y/o Australian (living in Australia), I am an engineer in resource sector so would prefer BC / Alberta.

  1. From what I can tell in order to qualify for any PNP program you submit your profile and simply wait to be invited, is this correct?
  2. With regards to BC and Alberta, from what I can tell the skilled worker route requires a job offer which is difficult for me since I am in Australia, have already had 3xIEC work visas (however didn't work as an engineer just travelled) and despite being LMIA exempt for engineering positions (reciprocal Trans-pacific-partnership with Australia) employers find it difficult to justify hiring a foreigner, i'v tried! Am I missing something? BC/AB eligibility seems very tight.
  3. What other options do I have if BC/AB is a not happening? I noticed OINP doesn't require job offer for example..


Feb 26, 2020
Register to any 1-year course (2 semesters = 8 months), you will get extra 30 points
Actually CRS tool says I only get 15 more points coz I already own a Masters degree... which sure would help. But I guess you would need to complete the degree
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