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LMIA exempt and Open work permit


May 18, 2018

I got puzzled a little bit with my situation in Canada. I'm taking part in International Experience Canada program and I received Open Work Permit.
I received job offer and accepted it (it is for unlimited time NOC A as a Software Developer).
Will unlimited work for:
  • be for full-time and for at least one year

I want to update my Express Entry profile and take part in BC Tech Pilot program. But I got confused by the LMIA around open work permit. Here are the rules:
My concern is about the 1st point

  1. have been working full-time for the employer on your work permit for at least one year (or an equal amount of part-time work)
I'm on Open Work Permit, I'm working without LMIA. So does it still applies here? And which option in EE forms should I select:
Was a positive Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) issued for the current work permit?
No - My work permit is exempt from an LMIA due to an international agreement
No - My work permit is exempt from an LMIA due to a Federal-Provincial agreement

And last question: If I accepted Job Offer does it count as a Job offer or not anymore?

If anything needs additional explanation please leave comment and I will provide all the needed information.

Thank you for any help !!!
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