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Investment instruction for Federal Investor Applicant


Sep 15, 2011
In case of a Federal Investor applicant who wishes to invest the full amount, can one make the investment before receiving the instructions to do so? Wouldn’t this reduce the time by which you receive back the invested capital after landing?
If yes, then how?
A legal expert advice on the subject is very much appreciated.


Sep 15, 2011
Hello everyone.
Never mind my first post. I’ve just received investment instructions. It took about three months from Medical exams and about one month from Police Certificates and completing all other requirements.
However, I still need an expert help on the correct address to which I should mail Submission Agreement. The letter attached to email received from London visa office shows this address:

Business Immigration
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Jean Edmonds Tower North
300 Slater Street, 7th Floor
Ottawa, ON
K1A 1L1

The letter also refers to this web page http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/business/investors/apply-after-invest.asp which provides a different address:

Immigrant Investor Program
c/o International Region
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Jean Edmonds South Tower
365 Laurier Avenue West, 16th floor
Ottawa, ON
K1A 1L1

Can anyone advise which is the correct one :-\?
Thanks in advance.