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Hero Member
Jan 10, 2011
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AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Done....
suenim said:
ECAS UPDATE!!!!! I am shaking right now. Finally! :-* ;D

We received your application for permanent residence on May 13, 2010.

We started processing your application on July 22, 2010.

We received the requested information on February 15, 2011. Thank you for providing the information.

Medical results have been received.

A decision has been made and you will be contacted.

We sent you a letter on March 7, 2011 to ***** Scarborough, Ontario, Canada, about the decision on your application. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us. If we have sent the letter to the wrong address, please contact us.
WOW..........Suenim....Congrats......I can't tell how happy I am.

Thank you for let us know that CIC DOES work ahead............. :D :D :D

I'm sure you'll have a really great weekend....



Hero Member
Apr 29, 2010
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May 2010
Med's Done....
April 2010
April 2011
boasorte said:
Suenim, congratulations my dear! How exciting!! Happy for you :)
Please let us know if you get any more other informations.
Thanks boasorte! I will let you all know as soon as I get the letter. I think you will hear something in the next 2 weeks or less if all stays the same. Mine took 9 mths and 3 weeks.

AmandaHsu thanks dear... here's to hoping the processing times don't slow down anymore but do the exact opposite.


Hero Member
Jan 20, 2010
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App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
Med's Done....
yey congrats Suenim! :D


Hero Member
Jan 23, 2011
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
June 18, 2010
Doc's Request.
January 07, 2011
AOR Received.
April 12, 2011
February 17, 2012

That is amazing news, congrats! :p ;) ;D :p


Star Member
Dec 2, 2010
I just wanted to introduce myself on here and of course I have a couple of questions lol

Okay, first off I’ll start with a little background. I met my fiancé in early 2009 online, we started dating in October 2009. We met for the first time in person in June 2010. When I arrived he proposed to me and I said yes. While staying with him for two months we decided to get me to stay with him because we couldn’t handle the thought of leaving each other. So we did some research and since I am South African, we looked for info on this South African forum for people migrating to Canada and unfortunately there were some really negative people telling me that there was no way I could stay and telling us that spousal wouldn’t work for us. We were under pressure since time was running out. So we decided for me to come back here so I can finish my studies. The day I was supposed to leave Canada, we immediately decided for me to come back as soon possible. So now I am ready to go back even though I have another year to complete at university I just cannot stand not being with him anymore.

So now I am planning on coming to Canada (Manitoba) next month and we plan on getting married in June/July and then applying for spousal. I am applying for a multiple entry visa this week. When is the best time to apply for spousal sponsorship after we get married? Has anyone gotten married in Canada or more specifically Manitoba? I just wanted to know how long to wait to get married after I arrive and how long to wait to apply after we get married?

I most definitely want to send an application for an Open Work Permit along with my PR application. Do I just send it along with that in the same package? Also how much extra will that be? Also I will sign up for the ECAS tracker (how much is that by the way?)

Concerning sending them proof, Up until now we have a crapload of Facebook messages we sent each other, chat logs, pictures we took together, we have letters we wrote by hand, we have my flight tickets showing that I went to visit him and actually returned here, bus tickets, I have texts on my phone still, he has his phone bills. We skype and video call each other every day so I don’t know how we’ll be able to prove that. Is there anything else I will need to provide? Letters from friends and family perhaps?

Okay, so when applying for the application, I am going to get my local police clearance certificate this week. When should I go get my police clearance in Canada? I have also read some posts about a FBI clearance which I am confused about (please clarify this for me) . I also know they will want to know what I’ve been up to for the last 10 years. I’m 21 right now and I’ve been in school since 10 years back when I was 11 lol then 6 years later I completed high school. Ater that, I have been studying at a university up until now. I have also worked part-time here and there and have been living with my parents since 10 years back (the same address).

Also how long does getting medicals take? When is the best time to do it if we get married in June and want to apply in I don’t know, maybe July?

INTERVIEWS! If this happens where are they held? And what on earth do they ask? It sounds so scary.

Is there ANYTHING I am missing?

It saddens a person thinking of the long wait because it’s a dreadful thought thinking about how my fiancé-soon to be husband will have to work alone and everything. I really wish there was a way I could help. However, the wait is definitely worth it.

Thank you for your time and please get back to me as soon as you can.


Full Member
Feb 8, 2010
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March 2nd. 2K10
Med's Done....
March 2nd. 2K10
hey folks it's been a while...i actually spoke to a real person in vegreville on thursday...she asked me to fax a final piece of info to her (which i did immediately) and she told me it looked like everything is ok...this morning when i checked our status this is what it reads............

We received your application for permanent residence on March 4, 2010.

We started processing your application on May 20, 2010.

We received the requested information on February 22, 2011. Thank you for providing the information.

A decision has been made and you will be contacted.

i am asuming that is good news.........thx


Champion Member
May 22, 2010
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
July 16, 2010
Med's Done....
June 16, 2010
June 01, 2011[img]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r293/SimsFC/icons/smileys/flag-canada.gif[/img] [img]http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-fc/patriot.gif[/img]
brightsage: That is really good. Looks like you got AIP. I will update the chart again. Should I add today's date for AIP since that is when you got the notification or should I wait until you get the letter and it says the date your AIP was signed for?

Either way CONGRATULATIONS! What was the final piece that they needed?

toxicair: I know you wrote a PM to me but I really am unsure on how to help you. Maybe it would be more beneficial to you to create your own thread instead of posting the same thing in both of our threads? I am not from South Africa but seeing as you may need a visa to get to Canada, I don't see there being a high likely hood of you applying through inland. And just so you know inland and outland are very different things. You can't even look into the inland route unless you are already in Canada.


Star Member
Dec 2, 2010
Ehh yeah actually I did post my own, and just ignore my pm then, also I am aware that they are two different things, I did enough research and reading I just simply wanted some pointers from a few nice people who are going through it and who might have been in a similar situation.
Thanks though.


Champion Member
May 22, 2010
Visa Office......
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App. Filed.......
July 16, 2010
Med's Done....
June 16, 2010
June 01, 2011[img]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r293/SimsFC/icons/smileys/flag-canada.gif[/img] [img]http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-fc/patriot.gif[/img]
I am sorry toxicair but I hope you aren't being sarcastic towards me because I wasn't trying to offend you. I was trying to point you in the proper direction. I can only help so much. I think that what you posted in the inlander threads would help you get better answers if you posted that in the thread you already created. Don't think I don't want to help you out because that isn't the case. I would love to help you but I am not familiar on what to do for your situation so I don't want to try and help and give bad advice, see what I am saying? I wish you a lot of luck and that you find the answers you're searching for.


Hero Member
Oct 23, 2010
Ottawa, On
Visa Office......
Vegreville and Ottawa
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
Med's Done....
08 Sep 2011
Congrats Suenim!!! Fantastic news Brightsage- sounds like AIP!!! Great news and I'm sure it will definitely be a great weekend for you both! :)

toxiclair- Definitely look into both options of inland and outland. I checked SA for outland & it is approx 18 months so same as if you applied inland. You do realise if you get a visa to come to Canada and apply inland you will not be able to work until you get AIP which takes approx 9-10 months and then you have to wait till you get PR (18 months) to be able to study in Canada. These times can change depending if CIC requests an interview before AIP and how long the background checks take so could take longer. Do you want to put off your studies?

toxicair said:
So now I am planning on coming to Canada (Manitoba) next month and we plan on getting married in June/July and then applying for spousal. I am applying for a multiple entry visa this week. When is the best time to apply for spousal sponsorship after we get married? Has anyone gotten married in Canada or more specifically Manitoba? I just wanted to know how long to wait to get married after I arrive and how long to wait to apply after we get married?

Up to you how long you wait to get married, you can apply as soon as you are married and have your marriage certificates to send into CIC. It is worth having all the information you need and send it all together at the same time as if they request more information can extend your wait time. You can apply outland and stay in Canada for a while on a visa, but not sure how long they issue the visas for and I'm not sure if you would have trouble extending it.

I most definitely want to send an application for an Open Work Permit along with my PR application. Do I just send it along with that in the same package? Also how much extra will that be? Also I will sign up for the ECAS tracker (how much is that by the way?)

Yes send in OWP with PR application, I did and didn't have to wait an extra 30 days or so after getting AIP.

Concerning sending them proof, Up until now we have a crapload of Facebook messages we sent each other, chat logs, pictures we took together, we have letters we wrote by hand, we have my flight tickets showing that I went to visit him and actually returned here, bus tickets, I have texts on my phone still, he has his phone bills. We skype and video call each other every day so I don't know how we'll be able to prove that. Is there anything else I will need to provide? Letters from friends and family perhaps?

Send in as much proof as you can- maybe try printing off or getting CIC to post you the forms for appling for PR so you can read the questions they ask. It does ask for letters from friends and family. You can print off your skype messages and I think also when the calls were made. We had one application that we kept stapled together as a reference and filled in the other one. It takes TIME so start collecting and gathering everything now.

Okay, so when applying for the application, I am going to get my local police clearance certificate this week. When should I go get my police clearance in Canada? I have also read some posts about a FBI clearance which I am confused about (please clarify this for me) . I also know they will want to know what I've been up to for the last 10 years. I'm 21 right now and I've been in school since 10 years back when I was 11 lol then 6 years later I completed high school. Ater that, I have been studying at a university up until now. I have also worked part-time here and there and have been living with my parents since 10 years back (the same address).

You only need police checks for any country YOU HAVE LIVED IN for more than 6 months. So if you have lived in the US then you would get an FBI clearance but only then. You need to have every day accounted for re work and living both different sections on the application. Only apply for police checks close to when you are sending in application as they only last for 3 months and can't be expired before you send them. Take into account how long the police checks take as well. Have a look on http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/security/index.asp as they yhave different rules for different countries and how you go about getting the right police check done. Here is the info for SA http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/security/police-cert/africa/south-africa.asp

Also how long does getting medicals take? When is the best time to do it if we get married in June and want to apply in I don't know, maybe July?

Do the medical just before you send in the application, you will need to send in a copy of the receipts and the Dr will send the results of the medical to CIC you don'y get them, it lasts for one year but they can extend it if there are no issues for another year as mine has been. I did mine in Sep 09 and have not been asked to redo them...yet :)

INTERVIEWS! If this happens where are they held? And what on earth do they ask? It sounds so scary.

The interview if requested would happen at your local CIC office and they may ask both of you to atten but then speak to you separately. There is a post somewhere with questions they may ask. It is a long list!

Is there ANYTHING I am missing?

Best to get the forms and read through them, there is a lot to fill in and the questions will come from that. Send as much proof as you can and fill in everything. Keep an exact copy of what you send in as well, can be helpful if they dispute something or if they loose the first package! When you post in the package get it tracked as it may get lost. Go to the immigration website grap a cup of coffe and just have a read and see where the links take you. Best to know as much as you can before you send in the application. I know we were anxious about it and hoping we had everything right. Took a while to compile and get eveything together.

It saddens a person thinking of the long wait because it's a dreadful thought thinking about how my fiancé-soon to be husband will have to work alone and everything. I really wish there was a way I could help. However, the wait is definitely worth it.

Thank you for your time and please get back to me as soon as you can.

Hope this helps a little :)

Good luck!


Champion Member
May 22, 2010
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
July 16, 2010
Med's Done....
June 16, 2010
June 01, 2011[img]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r293/SimsFC/icons/smileys/flag-canada.gif[/img] [img]http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-fc/patriot.gif[/img]
Well brightsage I will list today's date as when you got AIP.
I can change it later whenever you get the letter and it says the date they made the decision, if you like. :)

P.S. To toxicair and everyone else, I am sorry if I seem weird today. I don't mean to seem cranky. Meh...I think this is just an off day for me. But toxicair, I am sorry. I posted a reply to your questions in the thread you posted. I hope it helps a little. This process is tough but we can get through it together. ;)


Full Member
Feb 8, 2010
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March 2nd. 2K10
Med's Done....
March 2nd. 2K10
Love_Young said:
brightsage: That is really good. Looks like you got AIP. I will update the chart again. Should I add today's date for AIP since that is when you got the notification or should I wait until you get the letter and it says the date your AIP was signed for?

Either way CONGRATULATIONS! What was the final piece that they needed?

Thx L_Y..........iprobably should wait until i get official notification....well they kept asking for copies of documents...all of which i sent in with the original (i kept copies of all original docs)...but i don;t argue i just comply....this time when i talked to her she said everything else looked ok and they just needed this doc (copy of divorce in Korea) which we have with translation, so i faxed it to her while we were talking on the phone. we keep fingers crossed and again thanks for your dedication and good nature


Hero Member
Jan 10, 2011
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Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Done....
brightsage said:
hey folks it's been a while...i actually spoke to a real person in vegreville on thursday...she asked me to fax a final piece of info to her (which i did immediately) and she told me it looked like everything is ok...this morning when i checked our status this is what it reads............

We received your application for permanent residence on March 4, 2010.

We started processing your application on May 20, 2010.

We received the requested information on February 22, 2011. Thank you for providing the information.

A decision has been made and you will be contacted.

i am asuming that is good news.........thx
Oh my God....what a wonderful weekend it is......so many good news ;D ;D ;D

The only thing I can tell is "lots lots lots of congrats to you"

I hope you won't mind to share more news/experience after you landing, thank you.


Full Member
Feb 17, 2010
Visa Office......
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App. Filed.......
12 MAY 2011
Congrats everybody for your good news!!! :)
Just a quick question: Do they update the e cas on weekends, or I'm going crazy, cheching and checking for nothing? ??? LOL


Hero Member
Jan 20, 2010
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
Med's Done....
congrats congrats!

as for me, i started to work in Dollarama this week, tiring sometimes, but i guess only for the beginning. havent been working for few years so need to get back into shape :)
i got my permanent SIN card this week. still waiting for new health card, and who knows when i will receive the PR card.

good luck to all!