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I'm Canadian - Get Married in '08 but looking to Sponsor my Wife for 2010 HELP?


Jun 29, 2007
I hope someone can assist me here:

I am canadian - born on Toronto in 1977. I have a Candian Long/Short Birth Certificate, I have may Canadian Passport, I have my SIN (which I obtained in 1998 on a visit to Canada, and at that time I was looking to emigrate in 2000...but University and Studies got in the way).

I am looking to emigrate to Canada in July/August 2010 and will be sponsoring my Wife (we get married next year).

I have heard that there are two option available to me:

1) You can sponsor your wife after you both arrive in Canada.

2) As a Canadian Citizen, you may be eligible to sponsor your wife while still residing in UK

I would expect to go with 2) Because I assume that would cause less delay when we actually arrive in Canada (providing all goes well via Immigration).

All information on websites is specific for people whom are NOT Canadian, and therefore the process for Immigration seems longer, however I am hoping someone else is in a similar position to me if anyone can shed some information in my direction.

I am visiting Toronto in August this year on a holiday and will be visiting one of the Candian Service Centres to ensure my SIN is still active.

Hope someone can help.

Thanks Tim