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How to respond to GOC after refusal of TRV

Gov Guide

Apr 20, 2018
I have received a refusal two days after submitting my PAPER application. It seems impossible that the GOC could have reviewed it adequately.
I have little money, however, a Canadian friend of 13 years guaranteed that all my expenses would be covered by her and that she would guarantee that I returned to India before the TRV expired. She has assets of more than 400,000 $C. Her information was contained in an envelope which accompanied my submission in Delhi.
I cannot find a place on the website to ask if the GOC has considered her information.

1) How do I respond technically to this refusal (i.e. where on the website can I respond with details). I cannot find a link which will allow me to communicate.


VIP Member
May 18, 2015
There is no appeal for a TRV. You could apply for leave for a judicial review, but that would be expensive and impractical (it could take years if they actually chose to accept your case).

An important factor in applying for a TRV is that the applicant (you) have sufficient funds to support themselves in Canada. IRCC has likely considered your friends information, but it has no significance to your application. Your friends financial means are, for all intents, irrelevant, as there is no requirement for them to support you that the government of Canada can enforce. Until you can show adequate funds, any application will likely result in a rejection.
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