Dear Senior,
Sorry to disturb you with this private messsage and thanks in advance for your patience to read and provide your favorable advice.
Please note that I have following ECA report from WES, I would like to know that how many points I shall
Get for my Education:-
WES has written in top summary statement following:-
CANADIAN EQUIVALENCY SUMMARY: Bachelor's Degree (four years)
But below that summary statement in details of all of my qualifications in the ECA they have mentioned following:-
My High Secondary School =>Canadian Equivalency: Secondary School Diploma
My Bachelor of Science => Canadian Equivalency: Diploma (Two Years)
My MCS degree =>Canadian Equivalency: Bachelor Degree (Three Years)
My MBA degree => Canadian Equivalency: Bachelor Degree (Four Years)
So, now ho w many points I shall be able to get for my education? Whether I shall get 21 points or 22 points. Because if CIC follows the summary statement I shall get 21 points. But as per the two or more post-secondary degree or equal clause I shall get 22 points. But I am not sure whether they only follow the summary statement of ECA report or go in details.
Because as per CIC website (
Two or more Canadian post-secondary degrees or diplomas or equal (at least one must be for a program of at least three years) => Points will be 22
Canadian post-secondary degree or diploma for a program of three years or longer => Points will be 21