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Free Air ticket, Free visa, Free Accommodation and Work Permit


Jun 7, 2019
Is it true that there is 'Free Air ticket, Free visa, Free Accommodation and Work Permit' jobs in Canada for international fresh 0 experience labors?
Because I am an Electrical and Computer Engineering graduate from Ethiopian university and I was scammed by Hilton hotel fraud. Thanks to GOD! I manage to capture that there a fraud soon before I make any decision. But I wonder why is there so many scams about 'Free Air ticket, Free visa, Free Accommodation and Work Permit jobs in Canada'? I am starting to think may be what if there is real jobs like that but covered by those scams. So, can any one tell me? Is there a real Free Air ticket, Free visa, Free Accommodation and Work Permit jobs in Canada? Or is it all fake and scam?


VIP Member
Jun 8, 2010
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Passport Req..
Is it true that there is 'Free Air ticket, Free visa, Free Accommodation and Work Permit' jobs in Canada for international fresh 0 experience labors?
Because I am an Electrical and Computer Engineering graduate from Ethiopian university and I was scammed by Hilton hotel fraud. Thanks to GOD! I manage to capture that there a fraud soon before I make any decision. But I wonder why is there so many scams about 'Free Air ticket, Free visa, Free Accommodation and Work Permit jobs in Canada'? I am starting to think may be what if there is real jobs like that but covered by those scams. So, can any one tell me? Is there a real Free Air ticket, Free visa, Free Accommodation and Work Permit jobs in Canada? Or is it all fake and scam?
No - not true. These are all scams.

Real employers never cover airfare, accommodations and food.


Full Member
Feb 14, 2019
I have also never heard of any genuine offer like that.
Usually if there is anything that is shouting "FREE!!!!" in your face you should be cautious and do a lot of research before you go forward. That is just a universal truth of life.

Those scams usually either want to get you to pay money to them beforehand and then leave you stranded or get documents from you to commit identity theft.


Hero Member
Apr 9, 2019
Is it true that there is 'Free Air ticket, Free visa, Free Accommodation and Work Permit' jobs in Canada for international fresh 0 experience labors?
Because I am an Electrical and Computer Engineering graduate from Ethiopian university and I was scammed by Hilton hotel fraud. Thanks to GOD! I manage to capture that there a fraud soon before I make any decision. But I wonder why is there so many scams about 'Free Air ticket, Free visa, Free Accommodation and Work Permit jobs in Canada'? I am starting to think may be what if there is real jobs like that but covered by those scams. So, can any one tell me? Is there a real Free Air ticket, Free visa, Free Accommodation and Work Permit jobs in Canada? Or is it all fake and scam?
This is too good to be true, It is likely a scam, sorry. Its better you are disappointed now than get disappointed when they get your money already.


VIP Member
Feb 2, 2013
Visa Office......
App. Filed.......
Is it true that there is 'Free Air ticket, Free visa, Free Accommodation and Work Permit' jobs in Canada for international fresh 0 experience labors?
Because I am an Electrical and Computer Engineering graduate from Ethiopian university and I was scammed by Hilton hotel fraud. Thanks to GOD! I manage to capture that there a fraud soon before I make any decision. But I wonder why is there so many scams about 'Free Air ticket, Free visa, Free Accommodation and Work Permit jobs in Canada'? I am starting to think may be what if there is real jobs like that but covered by those scams. So, can any one tell me? Is there a real Free Air ticket, Free visa, Free Accommodation and Work Permit jobs in Canada? Or is it all fake and scam?
Sooner or later, there WILL be something that needs to be paid for, long before you get on the aircraft.
THIS is the money that the scammers are after. It could be a delivery charge, a certificate fee, a lawyer/agent/embassy charge or a myriad of other alternatives. Of course, if you pay that, then something else will be required, rinse & repeat, until you are drained out.
Jun 11, 2019
Golden, BC
But I wonder why is there so many scams about 'Free Air ticket, Free visa, Free Accommodation and Work Permit jobs in Canada'?
Well, as you've noticed, there's a lot of gullible and desperate people out there who are willing to grasp at any straw that might get them out of whatever situation they're trying to escape from :V

The usual target for scams like that are people whose first language is not English, who probably don't have much experience outside their own social environment, and whose education may be adequate in certain ways but hasn't prepared them very well for navigating a different culture in a language they're not really familiar with. Sound like anyone you know?

I am starting to think may be what if there is real jobs like that but covered by those scams. So, can any one tell me? Is there a real Free Air ticket, Free visa, Free Accommodation and Work Permit jobs in Canada?
The kernel of truth that scams of that nature are built around is that, under certain Canadian work permit categories (I think it's just low-wage in-home caregivers, though could be wrong), an employer is required to provide their employee with housing at no cost if the employer requires that the employee live in the same home as the person they're caring for (subject to the employee being willing to do so) and transportation to and from wherever they're coming from. I gather these days it's unlikely bordering on impossible that you'll just randomly end up being offered a job of that nature - it's more the sort of thing you end up getting hand-held into by a slightly shady employment agency, or by a relative who totally coincidentally happens to feel that their cousin is the best-qualified applicant for the job of looking after their kids, heh.

Or is it all fake and scam?
For your purposes, the answer is yes.