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Few last questions before sending pr renewal application


Star Member
Jun 24, 2010
Hi everyone
I'm about to send off my husbands application to renew his PR card and have a few random last questions.

1) the first 2 years we were back and forth probably every 3 months, how would I state the reason for the time spent in Egypt? He wasn't really there for any reason other than us trying to figure out where we wanted to live. He did help his father out in his business should he state this as a reason?
2) he didn't get paid for helping his dad out and the times he did help him was very random with no official start/end date. Would this have to be added into work/ education history?
3) there's a few things we would like to explain to the visa officer reviewing the application. Like the reasons we were so back and forth in the beginning ( we don't want them
To suspect anything ) and why an extra letter was added
From his employer ( he only landed 4 Years and 7 month ago so we want to show he had no intention of leaving ). Are sticky notes or a cover letter good ideas ? Or is it best to keep things simple.
4) for jobs he his still working do we write in the to: section present or the day we send the application?
Thank you!


Full Member
Jan 16, 2015
1) Just be honest, if you satisfy residency requirements, it doesn't really matter.
2) Again, be honest, if it's a job, call it that, if he's just helping his dad just write family matters or whatever it was.
3) I don't think you have to explain your travel in more detail. Not sure what you mean an extra letter was added. You could include an explanation letter but unless you provide proof, it doesn't really make your case any more credible, it's up to the officer's decision though.
4) I put present in that box or if the PDF doesn't let you, leave it blank and write it on the printed form instead.