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EDMONTON CIC - Faster Processing PLEASE!!!!!


Dec 29, 2012
Hi guys....Regarding my test on February 28, the letter says tha I have to bring 2 identification cards (one ID with my picture and the other without picture). My driver license was recently renewed and I was given an INTERIM OPERATOR'S LICENSE which is good for 30 days. My problem is....Supposing during my test on February 28, my driver's license card is not yet released, WHAT ID should I present ? Or Is it enough that I will tell to them that my driver's license is renewed and I dont have ID with my picture? PLEASE HELP ME...


Dec 29, 2012
Thanks for the reply. I have no problems with other requirements like my old and new passport, and PR card. What is lacking is one ID with my photo on it. My driver's license is just renewed. Any similar situation like me or any suggestions you can offer. Thank you.


Oct 12, 2012
Hi edmontonians My test is next week does anyone know of any good test question sites?

Edmonton2011: any update on your case? Can you update my info on excel sheet, test date is Feb 20th.

Thanks :D


Dec 29, 2012
wingedmonton said:
Hi edmontonians My test is next week does anyone know of any good test question sites?

Edmonton2011: any update on your case? Can you update my info on excel sheet, test date is Feb 20th.

Thanks :D
I used CitizenshipSupport.ca. It is almost complete. Try it. Goodluck!


Dec 29, 2012
wingedmonton said:
Hi edmontonians My test is next week does anyone know of any good test question sites?

Edmonton2011: any update on your case? Can you update my info on excel sheet, test date is Feb 20th.

Thanks :D
@ wingedmonton: How's your test yesterday? Are all the questions fair enough to answer or one which are difficult? I will have my test next week (february 28, 2013).


Oct 12, 2012
Hi edmontonphil my test was good! It feels good to be done i was so worried for a whole week before yesterday. The questions were far easier than i thought it would be. they were really straight forward and i dont think there was any questions with dates.
i got there around 830am (i was too nervous so i went extra early) we waited til 850 then the security guard told everyone to line up and show him our exam invitation letter. He then led us thru the door and into the room where we had our interview and test. we were seated to wait for the employees there to sort our files. Interview started around 9, they call each of us up one by one and ask for our documents and ask us questions for about 10 mins. some people's interview was longer depending on their lanugage ability and how much they've been out of the country etc. After the interviews are done (took about 1.5 hrs), we were asked to sit one seat apart from othe other person and no family members were allow to sit together. They handed out test questions and answer sheet and we start our test around 10:40am. Alot of people were done in 5-10mins. We were free to go once we handed in our test.

Hope this helps you and anyone else who is interested, feel free to let me know of anything else you would like to know. :)


Star Member
Dec 7, 2012
Job Offer........
Thank you for the detailed description of the test/interview!
Did they tell you when you should expect the oath invitation? Did you see lots of people getting RQ's?


Oct 12, 2012
They said if you pass you will receive a letter to attend oath in 3 months. If you don't pass there is a waiting time to see the judge which is 2 years. Icky...
I didn't see anyone receive RQ, but by all means there could have been cause some people had a lot of absence (I overheard lol)

Does anyone know if cic call centre agent can see test results?


Star Member
Dec 7, 2012
Job Offer........
I think they can, because some agents are willing to tell you, but others say they cannot see it ....
If you cannot get the results from the agent, request an ATIP report. You should find the results there. But it takes 30 days for them to send it to you, so you better do it now. The report will be printed in about 3.5 weeks. By that time the results should be in the report.

Ouch! 2 years! We better pass that test! :)
Good luck!


Dec 29, 2012
wingedmonton said:
Hi edmontonphil how did your interview and test go?

The test is very easy and in fact I finished it within 3 minutes. We actually started the citizenship test at 11:11 am. Checking of all documents started at 9 am. There are 3 persons from CIC Edmonton who verified our documents. Funny things is, there is one male applicant (a chinese looking) who cannot explained his whereabout after he filed his application for citizenship...the CIC decided to disqualify him from taking the citizenship test. I am sorry for him. He is in his mid 40's. By the way, I remember one question in the exams which is not actually in the book ....a question pertain to the DEFINITION OF FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. There are 4 choices...I just made my wild guess. Hopefully,my answer is correct.

Mine is, my interviewer is very kind and she is always smiling. She interviewed me about my present job, and my plan after I got my canadian citizenship. My answer is straightforward. At the end of interview, she told me to do my best in the exams.

The result of the exams will be released within 2 to 3 months....maybe in the middle of May,2013. If somebody cannot pass the xams, she/he will wait for 2 to 3 years for interview by the judge.