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CEC process: near the end - have some advice and important questions


Apr 20, 2010
Hi, I appear to be near the end of the process of obtaining my permanent residence via the Canadian experience class route. Some advice to others - make sure you have a passport that will be valid for at least the next year or so when you begin this process. This is because near the end they make you send them your passport and it must be valid for at least the next year.

My question is related to the following situation: I received the letter asking me to send my passport as well as my current work permit into the Canadian consulate office in NY city which is the one handling my case. I was also told in my letter that my work permit has an expiry date ( June 11) and I must enter Canada before this date and that the date can not be extended. I was told I’d get my passport back with my permanent residence visa affixed to it within 30 business days. When I sent this stuff in I tracked it and it was delivered successfully april 19. My question is, is it likely I will have my status as a permanent resident by June 11? I’m worried because I have read via this forum that there is additional stuff that has to be done even AFTER this which could take up to another month or so. If that’s the case then would I be working illegally after june 11? It says I cant extend my permit in the letter but I’ve also read that applying for permanent residence DOES NOT give you implied status after an expired work permit even if you are in the process of obtaining your permanent residence. Finally, I’ve been planning for some time to vacation back in the states from, coincidently, June 11 -25, and I also now know that leaving Canada while your case is pending can be another no no. So I’m wondering if I should cancel this trip.

Any advice would be appreciated. While I’ll of course cancel my trip back home in June if necessary, I only want to resort to doing that if I have to. It would seem if I get my passport and visa in the mail when they say I will I wouldn’t have to but reading about some of the situations of others on here have me concerned!

Thanks. And good luck to all