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BC PNP Tech Remote Job Offer Work Location


Jan 10, 2021

When creating my registration, in the job offer section, under the Work Location Details,
"Main location of work for job offer. This must be a physical location in B.C. and may be different than company headquarters location."

Though I work remotely, I entered the address of one of my company's offices in BC, although I don't go there. Should this address be rather my home address since I work from home?

While filling out the Employer Declaration Form,
Under Section 2, We have to enter Company/Organization Information, I believe this is where I need to enter one of the physical offices addresses my employer has in BC.
Under Section 3a, Job Offer Information - there is WORK LOCATION 1 ADDRESS WHERE THE EMPLOYEE WILL BE WORKING: I believe this has to correlate to the Job Offer Section in Registration and has to be my home address.

I'm really confused, maybe I messed up the registration and should've entered the home address under that?