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Avoid ICAS for credential evaluation because they make error in your report.


Full Member
Feb 1, 2015
I applied for my credential evaluation at ICAS and got my assessment after 30 weeks(it was promised in 12-14 weeks)in November 2015.
I applied with that credential to university and ontariocollege.ca. University deadline was over last month and decision are already made.I still didn't get an offer.

Day before yesterday only I understood my credentials are wrong.I was given four C grade instead of four B grade.I had 10 A grade, 14 B grade and 7 C grade.But ICAS gave me 10 A grade, 10 B grade and 11 C grade.

I am not sure whether my wrong report was a reason that I didn't get an offer at University.If I got denied because of my actual credentials then I am fine with it.But if I got denied because of a wrong report ICAS gave then its an problem for me.How can I know?

I contacted ICAS and they admitted it was an error at their side.They didn't apologize and was rude to me.According to them they will replace my wrong reports with new correct reports and then everything will be fine.I have nothing to lose.

All colleges and university have my wrong credentials.I am using it for last 8 months.

I told them about my university application and informed them that I didn't get any offer and class will start in 2 weeks.They told they will write a letter to my university informing about my wrong report.But since the admission is finalized and there is only 2 weeks to start the class I don't think there will be any use.

I need at least a refund of my fees paid for a wrong report but ICAS is not willing to give any refund.

I never got such a rude mail from anybody.The way they react is like I made the mistake.

They are not worried about any complaints.I am upset that a credential evaluation firm in Canada is making such a mistake and not responding properly.They are so rude and arrogant.

They told its a typographical error and all human makes error.I asked them whether they don't counter check their reports.They said they do.But still typographical error ?

I am thinking how many people in Canada might have had a wrong report from ICAS and didn't know about it.How many might have denied admission to university/college because of it ?

I want maximum amount of people to know how irresponsible ICAS is.

Please avoid ICAS and advise maximum people to keep away from them.

I wish to get this into the notice of government.If anybody can help me with that please contact me.

I have proof of both reports.correct and wrong to prove it.

I want to make sure no one else face the same issues in future.

Thank You


VIP Member
Mar 22, 2016
Whilst everyone on here will sympathise with your position not sure anyone would necessarily agree that you can advise everyone to avoid an organisation based on an individual experience. This especially as you admitted if read correctly you had your assessment to hand in November 2015 but only seem to have checked it in August 2016 .

These organisations have to evaluate thousands of credentials over a period of time and will from time to time make mistakes but sorry to say due diligence applies on both sides, the evaluation team and the recipient to check the output/feedback.

Once corrected do not give up hope for your dream, put this behind you and move forward from here as opposed to wasting negative energy on a pointless cause. Good luck


Full Member
Feb 1, 2015
I checked my master credentials when I got them in July 2015.It was correct.I got my Bachelor again in November 2015.At that time it was consolidated with my Master.I checked my Bachelor credentials but didn't bother to check my master once again because it was already checked.I have to admit I was in a real bad position when I got my consolidated credential.My dad and mom had a serious road accident at that time and was bed ridden.

I don't think 1000's of application give them the right to make mistakes.Thats why there is counter checking.Quality control is very important in such firms.There should not be mistakes.

If they cannot do it accurate better don't do it.It affects the career of lot of candidates.If they gave a four A grade instead of four C grade how many recipient will get it corrected?

I don't feel its a recipients equal responsibility to verify his/her result. ICAS some times send the credentials directly to university and ontariocollege.ca.They did that for me.How recipient will check the report in such case.

Its not easy to identify the mistake because it show just grades(no marks).How you know their grading system?

I am willing to accept a mistake from ICAS.But they are not willing to even apologize for such a serious mistake.This is not the way to react.

Last year I was unable to study because they gave my credentials after 30 weeks.I was told at the time of application that processing time is 12 to 14 weeks.But took 30 weeks.My application was one week late for university deadline and I was denied admission because it was late.I lost one year and had a big financial loss.I thought I should move on.Thats why I applied this year.This year my credentials are wrong.This year its the same.My credentials are valid only for 2 years. My IELTS also will expire .To study next year I have to do it again.Its not easy.

I have a worse past and I am trying to move on.Study and get a good job and settled.But this people are not letting me.

I am warning people because if they say 12-14 weeks don't believe them.They give report after 30 weeks(that too under lot of pressure)

Don't waste your money if you think you cannot make it.

I paid them $650 (actual fee was $325 )for my credential evaluation for getting my credentials on time.But I didn't get it on time.Paid double amount and got a wrong report so late.


Full Member
Feb 1, 2015
Bs65 said:
Whilst everyone on here will sympathise with your position not sure anyone would necessarily agree that you can advise everyone to avoid an organisation based on an individual experience. This especially as you admitted if read correctly you had your assessment to hand in November 2015 but only seem to have checked it in August 2016 .

These organisations have to evaluate thousands of credentials over a period of time and will from time to time make mistakes but sorry to say due diligence applies on both sides, the evaluation team and the recipient to check the output/feedback.

Once corrected do not give up hope for your dream, put this behind you and move forward from here as opposed to wasting negative energy on a pointless cause. Good luck
Universities prepare 1000s of transcripts over a period of time.Do we double check them? How we will know its showing the correct marks?
We wont see our answer sheets to confirm whether we got the right marks.But its a trust.The person who entered it wont make a mistake because its very crucial.I never doubted a typographical error in my university transcript.
The same trust should be there with credential evaluation too.Its a responsible job.I never even thought there will be an error in a credential evaluation report.I checked my reports to see the grading system in Canada not to find errors.

I posted here so that people will be aware not to trust ICAS report and counter check it.