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Application text box too small to print


Full Member
Jan 4, 2016
Some of the textboxes, when printed out, do not display the full contents that we wrote. For example, on the Sponsor Questionnaire, page 2, question 11, "Give details of your plans to re-establish yourself in Canada" - what we wrote gets cut off (there is a + symbol that would expand the text box in the PDF doc, but obviously not on a printout...).

Was thinking to write that on a separate sheet and attach, but what do people in these situations?




VIP Member
Oct 22, 2013
Job Offer........
They do exactly that; create a separate sheet.

Be sure to write all of your pertinent information (Name, DOB, Sponsor's name and DOB, UCI number (if known), etc.) across the top of the sheet(s). Be sure to also indicate which form(s) and question(s) this belongs to...because if you simply attach it to the form without this personal information, CIC will `un-attach' it when they tear through the application. They need to know where it belongs.