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About working in Canada


May 18, 2013
Dear Sir,

My wish is to work(temporary for beginning) in Canada,I need instructions step by step, I know that the Embassy can not find a job, but whatever company (which has an address in Canada) that I spoke to, or ad that I sent my Resume and cover letter always made me ask "are you eligible to work " or "are you got work permission to work " I could not give them a positive response because they think I already have a work permit , and as far as I know the Embassy in Belgrade will not issue a work permit if I have guaranteed a job and on the other side to guarantee me a job I need to have a recommendation and to obtain recommendations I need to have someone to vouch for me in any way, or have relatives otherwise I do not.I want to work temporary in Alberta to learn about the traditions and customs of the people of Canada . I'm not employed from 2010 to 2013 even when I had the job from 2006 to 2009 it was all black labor, you should know that in Serbia there is no law that protects the unemployed and employed people from mobbing, it is impossible to make a career, and have a working experience, I declare that I have never been prosecuted, I want to start a new life If it possible.I know excellent English and learn Spanish and French, I need to get out from here, please help me I m young person I don t choose where I m going to born or where I m going to live, I really need a job because in my country you need to pay to somebody to get job.So can you just tell how should I know if I m qualified and how to apply on your programs ,what should i do or where should I go,can you help me.

Thank you in advance and please help me :(

Aleksandar Petkovic

I submit my application published on the website monster.com etc, No job for 3 years, even though I was working temporarily in some jobs. Do now I have sent more than 300 job applications on (infostud.com) but unsuccessful .I m young man 27 year old, but it turns out no prospect for further progress and improvement in work. I am ready to do jobs that require a certain type of training. I am a dynamic, creative, communicative and flexible person. I think I could fit in with your existing team, will help him with his work and creative abilities, as well as expand your business opportunities with fresh ideas, working with your team of experienced and well established. I got pretty good experience in constructions and cars and I learning a French language and I know very good English and I learning Spanish Don t get me wrong but in my country it's very hard to find job and upgrade your carrier, it is also difficult to do what you love, so do not take exception to, if you can help me I will be very happy.
I hope that the information in my CV to be recognized as an interesting and that you will give me a chance to introduce myself to any job interview I can be a real choice for your job and I can give more than any other individual so please help me I m desperate.


Jun 10, 2013
Questin is, did you apply for any kind of visa? At the first, I don't know is there any chance to get a job as you are talking about.... So far as I know u need to apply for immigration visa, for Canada or for some province ... I don't thing any one will give u a job if you don't have at the moment working visa ... That's the same thing as in Europe .. U can get a job in UK, France, Sweden etc. only if u have permit to stay or valid passport, romanian, hungary ...A lot of employers will offer you a job but won't help to get a permit to work ... and it's not same if you have permit to stay and permit to work ... in germany, you could have permit to stay for a 2 years but not to work ... there is a differance!
I could wrote to you a lot of things about this in serbian, but i think is forbiden to wrote on any other language except english ;) ...
and as you see nobody gives a f... what you know or don't ... don't look for sympathy ... there is a Immigrant Nominee Programs ... read it, try to find your self, Canada is a large country, but it's not all that bright ... for an example, Toronto or Hamilton is with most Serbian population but a lot of people there is without a job, but Regina, Saskatoon ar small towns, with 8 month of winter and good oppurtunity of job ...
I'm still in serbia, still living here, not that much older than you, in a same problem... But I talk to people, google it, think a lot and a choose Regina ... I applyed for immigration visa almost year a go and I'm still waiting .... I have a friend who applyed for Montreal and waiting 3 years and just couple of days he was called by embassy to check in in septembar...
wish you the best, hope you successed any thing so far ..