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Search results

  1. AmyL

    I don't know what to do...IRCC Can't link form to my account

    Hi, I got a biometrics payment request last month. We paid and I submitted the payment through the web form as they directed. One was done through the sponsors account and the other was done through the applicants account with a copy of the request letter. I have now received two emails from...
  2. AmyL

    What do you think? IRCC announcement March 5, 2021. Increase in employees and new space for workers for a year

    IRCC announced an addition of 62 employees. What do ya'll think about this: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/2021/03/immigration-refugees-and-citizenship-canada-expanding-sydney-office-to-reunite-families-and-improve-processing.html On the surface it sounds good...
  3. AmyL

    IMMI0008 How to put multiple other names used

    How do you put in other names used if you have had more than one previous name? The form will not allow , ; or other symbols and I don't want to put it in a form that they think both names are actually one.
  4. AmyL

    Form 5669 who is included in the questions in part 4?

    It says have you or any of your family members listed in your application for permanent residence in Canada ever.... Does this include the sponsor?
  5. AmyL

    Acronyms and sequence of expected events

    Hi, I am new to this as are many others. I think it would be a good idea to put up a sticky with a list of acronyms and a sequence of expected events. Can one of the people that have this knowledge please post this info? Thanks.
  6. AmyL

    Need a little guidance: Spousal sponsorship with children involved

    Hi, I have a few questions. My husband is in Canada and I am in the US. My youngest daughter is almost 17 (in August). I know we are supposed to have something giving permission from the other parent if they are minors. My court order says there are no restrictions for where we can live. My ex...