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Search results

  1. A

    name different in WES. advice needed

    I have a problem with my name, My certificate name starts with Md. And my passport name start with just Md there is no dot in the passport. As per WES instruction I have to write my exact name according to my certificate which is Md. (dot) What can I do now? Should I do an affidavit just for...
  2. A

    NOC related experience

    My first first job is not fully one year it is eleven month. So in this case can I show another experience which is more than one year as my primary NOC. Also what is my total years of experience, is it based on primary NOC or sum of all NOC experience?
  3. A

    NOC related experience

    Hi All, I have total five years of job experience, starting with the title "Junior Software Engineer", the responsibilities was to developed web application, specially in front-end part. After one year I switch to another company with the title "Software Engineer" and responsibility changed to...