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  1. wacom

    Study Permit Submission Thoughts

    Well, technically the funds weve shown can already cover the full tuition for 2 years, living costs aside. The rest could still be earned. But I do get your point. I did mention the occupations of both my parents, and both are considered well-paying jobs here in the philippines by reputation...
  2. wacom

    Study Permit Submission Thoughts

    Thanks, I'm glad you think so :) I handled my application myself, with no experienced travel lawyers to help me write my letter. I sure hope its good enough.
  3. wacom

    Study Permit Submission Thoughts

    Hi everyone, I am a 3D Artist from the Philippines. Recently I've applied to a Canadian university for further studies. I was accepted into Capilano University in Vancouver and am now done submitting my documents for my study permit application. I am now just waiting for the embassy to get back...
  4. wacom

    How likely is my study permit application going to be rejected for being unemployed?

    Hi, how did your application pan out? I'm currently unemployed, but I have good travel history. I hope that's enough for them to think that I wont be staying in Canada after I study.
  5. wacom

    How likely is my study permit application going to be rejected for being unemployed?

    Im stressing on the same issue at the moment, how did it go?
  6. wacom

    Marijuana testing for the medical exam.

    It is legal now, and I'm hoping that they would just dismiss it since it is legal. Still, that doesnt take away the fact that its illegal where I'm coming from and that might have some kind of negative implication for them.
  7. wacom

    Marijuana testing for the medical exam.

    Hi, did they ask you these questions through a psychiatric evaluation? In a similar situation right now, would be great to get more insight. Really sorry for the denied application, hope you push through.
  8. wacom

    Admitted Drug Use for Medical

    Hi Hello, thats great info, thanks for sharing. I'm caught in a similar situation as well at the moment. Really anxious on how things will go. Might I ask, how did it go for you in the end? In my case i went through with the screening because the doctor told me it would just delay things if...