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  1. A

    EE profile - adding education that has no ECA

    hello everyone, I have a quick question and would appreciate your views/suggestions on it. While creating Express Entry profile, is there a harm in adding Masters degree that hasnt been assesses yet. Will it create any issue for me if i get PNP or ITA? Please note: 1. I am not claiming points...
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    IQAS rejecting SMU Distance Education

    I’ve heard many cases recently where their ECA from IQAS for Sikkim Manipal University (Distance Education) has been rejected. There happens to be active whatsapp group where many students have shared their plight. Infact SMU call centre team has confirmed that IQAS has put a hold on SMUDE ECA...
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    IQAS SMU (DE) Evaluation - join here!

    hello everyone, There happens to be a separate thread with discussion on IQAS evaluation timelines but I also noticed quite a few other discussions on how IQAS stopped evaluating SMU degree’s. I have also sent across my degree’s for evaluation for my Masters thru Distance Education and...