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  1. S

    Reasons for refusal?

    i agree it is shocking, on the bright side, the first article did say that 53 percent of the overseas cases were overturned in canadian court. its kind of a sticky situation, (and i'm not defending what they are doing in anyway) but how can the immigration office bbe sure they are letting people...
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    Love at First Sight ...Married in one month is it too soon to sponsor?

    hi i had the same issue with my husband, we were married only six weeks, so i went to the immigration office and spoke with an officer about it. She basicaly told me that it didn't matter, he was my husband and that i had a right to sponsor him didn't matter how early or long we had been...
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    um... sorry to have to say this but canada won't allow you to apply for a visa from a country that you aren't living in legally. My husband who is from sri lanka is living in the uk, when they started his application they noticed his visa for the uk was missing. We finally sent a photo copy of...
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    Medical Exam: breast lumps a problem?

    Well i can understand your concern, but i wouldn't get worried about it yet. My mother immigrated here from london and it took her four years. As well i have two friends that also immigrated to canada and it took them four years! Unless you have a spouse or partner sponsoring you, or you have a...
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    Decision Made

    oh i forgot to mention something. in my case they waived the right to interview my husband, i was a bit concerned because i have never found this on a forum or in their guide. When i phoned them, they said that they don't always interview people. I just wanted to tell you that because it was...
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    Decision Made

    don't listen to him/her, i take it as a real comfort that i'm not the only one reading and worrying over every little contact (and i mean little!) the Canadian Immigration Office send me. That's why some of us are on here, we're just waiting and waiting and hoping that the answers and issues on...
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    CAIPS notes

    oh well thanks alot for your reply! Actually someone that i talked with on another forum told me that she was sponsoring her husband from england and it was taking a long time so she asked for the notes. when she got them she realized what was taking the immigration office so long to process...
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    CAIPS notes

    hello, i am currently trying to obtain my husbands CAIPS notes so that i can see what is taking sooo long. i'm having a small problem on the application form (ACCESS TO INFORMATION AND PERSONAL INFORMATION REQUEST), does anyone know if i check both the access to information and the privacy...